chapter twenty-four

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The beach house had been upgraded in the last five years.

New tile and appliances.  A fresh coat of paint and a refinished driveway.  It looked romantic and quaint
despite it's monstrous size.

The car ride had been long and filled with uncomfortable silence that was only broken up by Jin and Jisoo cracking jokes back and forth to one another.

Tae had reluctantly agreed to come, feeling entirely uncomfortable with the thought but also overtly eager to spend time with Jungkook.

The younger had been avoiding him all week- he had a knack for having sex and leaving.  Taehyung didn't much care for that.

"You know Rhode Island is famous for seafood. Luckily I'm on a seafood diet. I see food! I eat it!" Jin and Jisoo sat close, her and Tae exchanging awkward glances like unfriendly middle school exes. He didn't laugh at the jokes that Jin was telling, Jungkook only partaking with a polite chuckle.

Jisoo seemed to love each one though, her head thrown back in a fit while she searched for a joke of her own, "Okay, okay my turn. What did the-,"

Jungkook cut her off, grateful to have arrived in one piece, "We made it! We're here! No need for more jokes."

"Is there a joke within that? Did I miss it?" Jin stared longingly at Jisoo who couldn't help but run a finger over his smooth cheeks.

"No, Jungkook doesn't appreciate humor like we do!" She climbed from the passenger seat, pulling out the bags from the back like a women who didn't grow up with people to do everything for her.

Tae was quick to cut in, pulling the bags from her hand and carrying them inside. He didn't speak a word to anyone. She shot Jungkook a sympathetic look, begging Jin to go for a quick walk on the beach now that the sun had set and midnight was creeping in. She said when the stars were dancing on the water it was the prettiest.

"Not as pretty as you, I'm sure!" Her and Jin shared a gentle peck on the lips before walking off, leaving there shoes in the driveway as they crawled into the damp sand.

Jungkook headed inside knowing the walk was just an excuse so that Tae and Jungkook could have a moment alone. Jisoo always did look out for him even if she was the younger sibling.

"What's with the attitude?" Taehyung had scrunched himself on the couch, the only light covering him was from a lamp.

"No attitude!" The older huffed, twisting to face the boy who had beckoned him out tonight, "Why do you fuck me then ignore me Kook?"

"Why do you tell my sister you might want to stay together even though you're leading me on?" He hadn't realized how bitter that would come across.

Taehyung patted the spot on the couch next to him, "We should talk, hmm?"

"It would be healthy I suppose..."

Jungkook hated talking and confrontation and awkward moments involving handsome men. This was his worst nightmare come to fruition, his body incredibly stiff as he tried to maintain a decent distance between himself and the older.

Tae noticed this, quick to loop an arm over his shoulder and massage out some of the tension, "Kook, I like you a scary amount. In fact- and this will sound crazy- I think I'm in love with you." He paused, "Not because our affair is or was scandalous but because I know that you understand me more than anybody else. The way you treat me, glance at me, talk with me- the way you send me e-mails about museum exhibits that you think might interest me, the way you stare at latte art like it's the stars speaking to you, hell, the way you kicked me out of bed just so you could make the bed- all reasons why I believe I might be in love with you." Another pause, "And that is fucking terrifying."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, "I think I feel the same but I know it's crazy because how could I feel more strongly for you than I did a boy that I was with for five years? How could I feel so much for you that I was willing to openly betray my sister- Taehyung, doesn't that seem just a bit problematic?"

"But what about it is problematic? Maybe you and I have spent our whole lives calculating our every step and at what cost? To me, my mind knows that I should marry Jisoo but my heart, will always pine for you. We're stuck in an archaic mold of man marries trophy wife, has kids, resents life, ends up in a cardboard box on a Rhode Island beach. Dead to the world. I realized, I don't want to end up like your Father." His almond orbs traced the younger's figure up and down, "I told Jisoo I didn't want to end it because at that moment I was unsure what to do with these feelings; I'm sure you feel the same?"

Jungkook just nodded along, "I've been eaten up with guilt for days now. It's surely shaved years from my life!"

"Well, maybe we can move forward and work on letting the guilt go together?"

"But your parents? They're expecting you to bring home a girl like Jisoo." Jungkook was suddenly aware despite everything, he could never be the total package, "I clearly can't have children with you and I'm busy as well- we're both in positions that-,"

The older shut him up with a kiss, one that was equal parts passionate and romantic, "I don't care about any of that. If you come home to me at midnight every day or if I come home to you cooking dinner- I'll be just as happy either way."

"You don't really mean that!"

"Let me prove to you that I do?" He looked ethereal under the light of the lamp, his usually tan skin darker as it hid itself under the mop of curls, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Additional stress.
Homophobia that could hinder business.

Jungkook had a laundry list of why not's but his list of why overshadowed it.

Because they were madly in love with one another.

Infatuation had fully thrown them to a different dimension, one where rationality was overrated. Jungkook had never felt so weightless as he did meeting the lips of his lover in that moment, "O- okay. Let's try it."

Taehyung tapped the boys nose sweetly, a bunny toothed grin shooting him up to cloud nine, "Do you mind if I discuss our decision with Jisoo first? Her and I have unfinished business."

Jungkook simply nodded, watching as the older waltzed out the door in search of the other two. His fingers pressed against his lips, trying to hold onto that feeling of heat and passion that had just erupted. It felt odd, to be so head over heels for somebody who had merely been a name on paper two months ago.

This had to be what it felt like to find your soul mate.

A MYSTERY TO ME | TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now