chapter twenty

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The building for Kim Technologies was large, as most buildings in the city of New York were.  Just like what it stood for, the whole space was modern and innovative- large glass windows that hit the ceiling to the floor, a panoramic view of the city available from all angles.  Everyone could see out, yet nobody could see in.

Employee's were able to leave there desks, find solstice in work pods or comfy chairs that sat in prettily painted hallways.  It was nothing like Jungkook's office which was stuffy, old-fashioned.  He wondered if he should look at the interior budget and see about installing something more whimsical and young- it seemed like a gimmick.  After all, what was wrong with a regular desk?

A secretary had recognized Jungkook, allowed him up to the top floor where Taehyung's office was located.  He hadn't called or texted to say he was coming but lucky for him, the man had a clear schedule for the remainder of the afternoon. 

Instead of knocking an assistant led him in- Tae had an "open door policy" which literally meant that his door was open.  It seemed so odd to Jungkook who sat in a corner nook, closed off from everyone.  How did Tae possibly get work done with people threatening to come in and out at a moments notice?

"Tae? A visitor!" The woman who introduced him was short, barely up to the boy's shoulders but she was pretty.  She reminded him of JIsoo.  For a moment it made Jungkook wonder if the older had slept with her.  Didn't all CEO's sleep with there secretaries or was his Father the only one?

"Thanks!" The older seemed stoic upon seeing Jungkook, standing at his presence, "Do you mind?" He pointed to the door.

The younger nodded, closing it quietly, unsure what amount of privacy this would lead too being that Tae's whole office was basically a fish bowl, his desk dead center.  On glass shelves were awards for his success, all of his degrees, and a photo of his family and him.  He had been quite the dork in his younger years, thin and lanky with a mop of hair that was colored purple.

It was cute.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung didn't seem as enthused by the visit as Jungkook had expected.

The younger suddenly felt silly.  Why had he showed up?  It was like a guiding spirit had led him here, one with no plan and nothing to say.  He rubbed his palms against his pants, "You weren't at the hospital yesterday?"

"Jisoo filled me in when she got home..." He bit his bottom lip in annoyance, remembering the bouquet of flowers she had brought with, "I'm sorry for your loss.  A heart attack? It's hard when you're preparing for months and you're only given weeks."

He said it as a formality, a conversational requirement.  Jungkook found his way into a chair, settling, "It is very weird.  He's finally gone!" His brown doe-eyes darted about, "I thought I'd feel relieved when they finally pulled the curtain but instead I just felt more confused.  It didn't really help that my Mother asked me about us..."

"About us?" Tae had gone back to typing an e-mail, "What of us?"

"She saw us kiss in the parking lot.  Hold hands, walk about- she knows Taehyung."

His fingers pulled back, balling themselves into little fists, a permanent scowl etching it's way to his features, "And what did you say?"

"I said nothing.  I said we'd talk about it later and later hasn't come!" 

"Does Jisoo know?" 

Jungkook felt his stomach turn at the thought, "Not that I'm aware of..."

"Well then, seems to be a none issue." The man was unbothered, his eyes dodging the younger's, "Was that all?"

A MYSTERY TO ME | TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now