chapter nine

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Taehyung had found out about Jungkook approximately two days ago, at his engagement party, to his sister. He had heard inklings, about a brother that could have been, that was- he never expected the reasoning to be what it was, and to that magnitude? It hurt his heart in an unexplainable way.

Despite the short time the connection was oddly there. Maybe it was that through Jisoo, he knew a part of Jungkook, through the fact that he too, had struggled with his sexuality, maybe that was why. He wondered if the reason was two-fold. If he was also maybe, extremely attracted to the younger in a way that he had never been to Jisoo or anybody else for that matter.

And that's how he found himself at Jungkook's hotel. Jisoo had spoken briefly about a visit, one to see if the boy had made any final decisions or instead fled into the night, back to California where he would ignore the Jeon's for the rest of eternity. Taehyung said he would go, that he felt it would be too hard on his wife-to-be and she agreed. After all, Tae was a more neutral party in the situation.

His room number had been scratched onto the back of his hand, just in case he forgot in the walk over. It was a dozen or so blocks which to outsiders seemed aggressively far but to New Yorkers, was fairly standard. It had been just long enough to get a sweat worked up, the tips of black hair curling back up into the style that he had adorned the night that the two of them first met. He was dressed casually, like he had been at brunch, swapping shorts for pants and tennis shoes for bare feet.

Couldn't walk without shoes in New York after all; that would be disgusting.

Taehyung knocked twice, loudly, with force, praying that Jungkook was on the other side.

He was grateful to see the door swing open, "What are you doing here?" Clearly the feeling wasn't mutual.

The older boy cleared his throat, "Wanted to check in on you!" He motioned to the spot past the door, "Care if I step in?"

"I was just packing to leave." That was Jungkook's way of saying no.

"We can chat while you pack?" Jungkook grumbled something to himself, moving aside to let the boy inside the hotel room. It was oversized, as expected, lavish in nature with a giant king bed that Jungkook had attempted to make. The room itself was clean, no snack wrappers left out and no unfolded clothes- in fact, Tae wasn't quite sure what there was to pack, "Where are your things?"

The younger boy whipped open one of the dresser drawers, "I'm not a heathen; I put my things away!" He slid folded shirts and pants into his suitcase, carefully ensuring that everything lined up to allow for the maximum amount of space.

"Fascinating." Taehyung reached in and plucked a shirt out, tossing it to the floor in a heap.

The two made eye contact for what felt like a full minute, "What the fuck was that for?"

Tae erupted in a fit of laughter as he did it to the remainder of the clothes that were in the suitcase. Jungkook was fuming by the end, picking up shirts and pants and even a few pairs of underwear- clearly the older had no sense of personal space, "I apologize but you're just so rigid, even the way you travel is rigid!"

"I was born and raised that way. You've seen my family!" Jungkook found it odd, the way the boy seemed to pay no mind to the fact that he was annoyed.

"But Jisoo isn't like that. She's very..." Tae leaned back into the mound of pillows pondering how to phrase it, "She's like... the freest spirit I've met. A bit pent up and stuffy when it comes to certain things like the scent of detergent or the way her eggs are prepared but besides that, she wears what she wants, says what she wants, and thinks how she wants! Are you not the same?"

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