chapter six

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When Jungkook was born, the Jeon's triumphed. A boy, the heir to the family fortune. His Father had been working hard for a decade now to build a brand, marrying a younger woman who he was sure would care properly for the children and outlive him in the case that he wasn't immortal.

Except the perfect son could never exist in the eyes of Mr. Jeon for his standards were too high. Even when Jungkook was successful, kind, and cordial- it wasn't enough. When he was failing classes, it was the same reaction as to when he was doing okay in them. Perfection was the only acceptable answer and it was never celebrated with praise. It was just thought to be the standard.

From his teen years he had been linked to women of businessmen that his Father worked with. Heiresses who wore more jewelry than most adults, geniuses who would surely become top rated surgeons if they weren't sold into the life of a trophy wife first, and of course, those who were like his sister, who just wanted to have a good time.

It had confused him for so many years, like maybe his opposition to the opposite sex was solely because he didn't like those girls. Maybe he wanted somebody more realistic and down to earth, more casual. As soon as he entered school and was able to explore that side, he didn't like them much either. This distaste explained why throughout high school he spent an abundance of time with the only "out" kid in his school, why they would pretend to be practicing piano when in reality they were just making out in the band room, why throughout the summers he would head to the only bar in town where he knew that like-minded individuals hung out. It's why he lost his virginity to somebody a decade older, why he would play spin the bottle only when both boys and girls were in the circle- it explained why he felt like such an outsider amongst everyone he knew.

Tae listened intently as Jungkook recounted his coming out, the fighting the screaming. For a moment, he felt tears in his own eyes, unsure why Jungkook would ever come back, even if was for Jisoo. Had the same thing happened for him, he wouldn't be able to face his parents ever again.

"They're monsters..." He muttered the words almost inaudibly as he imagined a younger Jungkook sprawled on the cement. On impulse Tae felt his arms wrap around the younger male, holding him in his embrace like comfort five years later would do any good, "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Jungkook tensed at the touch; he wasn't used to a reaction like this from somebody he had just met, "It's... okay! I'm doing okay for myself now..." He let his arms relax around Tae's figure, taking in the cologne that mimicked the scent of his own.

Tae pulled back, his eyes darting to the ground as he recounted his own relationship with his parents, and his own curiosity when it came to liking other men. Each summer, Mr. and Mrs. Kim would send the kids to a summer camp in the Midwest so they could fly back to Korea. He wasn't sure why they wouldn't just take the whole family with- it made little sense but he figured it's because they wanted them to socialize with kids of a different kind.

Tae always felt out of place, unsure why anybody would want to make mud pies or throw themselves into a disgusting lake. He spent his days reading, cuddled up under a tree in the midst of the forest. That was where he found his best friend, the boy who he would sneak kisses with, and share snacks. They did this for years until Tae's father switched summer camps for summer classes that consisted of learning coding, business, communication, and other boring things. Tae had joined an all-boys school which was an incredible place to explore curiosity. There he met his two good friends, two boys who had been in a relationship and still were to this day were. He had ended up at their wedding just last summer. He wondered sometimes if he felt the same way about boys- after summers of sharing kisses he was desperate to try more and he did. Much to his dismay, he enjoyed it a bit too much.

So much so, that it scared him. It constantly weighed on him, he went to church, he brought a boy home for Thanksgiving and claimed he was a friend. He lived in a muddle of confusion between feelings and fun and right and wrong. It was stressful, probably shaved years from his life.

His Father caught the two kissing and carefully explained why that wouldn't be tolerated. He didn't choke him or beat him or call him anything derogatory, instead he used a scare tactic that set him straight- well, straight enough.

"What are you two doing out here?" The extended silence was broken by the shrill voice of Jisoo who stood at the window with a glass of champagne in hand, "One of the severs said they saw you sneak up here."

"Just a quick smoke. Tae here was distracting me from the fact that you didn't tell me that Dad had aged a thousand years."

Jisoo rolled her eyes, tugging at Tae's hand and pulling him in through the window before helping Jungkook, "Why would you care? If anybody deserves to age poorly, it's him! Now come, come. We have to give the farewell speech to a bunch of drunks!"

She tugged at his arm, Jungkook following in tow as he admired the way Taehyung just allowed her to boss him around. In a way, he was envious that Jisoo's life had panned out in such a way. She was beautiful, smart, following her own path while blending perfectly with the chosen one. Taehyung seemed great, a true charmer which was evident in the way he addressed the crowd, careful to maintain close eyes on Jisoo as he spoke. She nodded along with the words he said, even tearing up at a portion like the two were that much in love with one another.

He wondered if he had ever felt that in love with Jimin? He had cried on his shoulder, adopted their silly little dog, he had picked him up after nights of binge drinking, and followed him on trips around the world- yet, he couldn't picture the two of them standing in front of family and friends, addressing their future like it was a set-in stone thing.

"Jungkook..." A familiar voice sent a shiver down his spine.

He regretted the fact that he come down for the speech, that he had stayed close enough that somebody might notice him. He should have fled back to the hotel immediately, away from everything and everyone.

"Mrs. Jeon..." He finally managed to speak, his voice much higher pitched and less confident than intended.

"Didn't expect to see you here..." Her arms were folded over her floral print dress, it was tacky, and didn't match the theme of the event.

"Jisoo insisted. I'll be out of here soon though so no need to worry that I'll ruin the reputation of the family. I see that you've managed to leave it perfectly intact regardless of my absence." His confidence was building the more he spoke.

"Don't be a baby Jungkook. Tomorrow is a family brunch- Tae's family and ours. You'll be there!" It wasn't a question; it was a demand.

He scoffed, "Like hell I will. I don't think I really fall under the category of family- what were the words that Father said all those years ago?"

"Absolute nonsense Jungkook. You will be there. I assume you're staying at the hotel down the street? I'll send a car around eleven."

"And why should I come?" It was hard to disrespect his elders, even if they were terrible people, it still felt inherently wrong.

"I think you'll like what I have to say..." Her finger tapped his chin, moving his head from side to side to get a better look. For a moment, he swore he saw his Mother in her cold eyes, not the one who had left him to rot on the ground but the one who had picked him up a million times, kissed him goodnight, made him soup when he was sick. For a second, he recognized her. She let the corners of her lips tilt up, "My, you've gotten even more handsome. You're lucky to have more of my genetics than your Father."

With that she walked off, not allowing for his gaping mouth to close or for any words to flow. He would go to brunch because she suckered him in with niceties and social obligation. They both knew it. 

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