chapter four

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Taehyung fussed with his tie for a minute, slid on a new jacket, one that had golden decals and was over the top in every way.  Jisoo had of course picked it out to match her own dress which would in turn, match the theme of the event. 

He wondered who that boy was who he had chatted with.  Was he just a party planner? He seemed too comfortable, looked too familiar.

Tae exited from the back room where he had been getting ready.  No sign of Jisoo which wasn't surprising.  He had never met somebody who took as long to get ready as her. 

The party was being hosted at one of the finest venues New York had to offer.  It his historic, two full bars on each side of the room.  The boy he had spotted earlier was sat at one, sipping on something clear.  Maybe he didn't work here after all?

Tae felt a surge of confidence rush through him as he waltzed over, or maybe it was curiosity, a rare feeling for him, "I'll take a whiskey, neat!"

Jungkook turned upon hearing the deep voice, "Wow! You weren't lying when you said it was a night suit.  I feel incredibly underdressed now." He motioned to his simple black slacks and patterned button up.

"I think you look great!" Tae said the words quietly, barely audible as he settled into the stool next to Jungkook, "To be honest, I thought you worked here.  You don't, do you?"

Jungkook raised a brow, "Do I appear as though I work here?"

"Well you were plucking at the greenery which would indicate that you had some affiliation with the actual affair.  Profiting from it would be a good reason!" Taehyung chuckled lightly, unsure why he was saying so much to a stranger, joking with him and pressing to know more.

Jungkook could sense that Tae wanted to ask who he was, what he was doing here, how did he know the family. He assumed that Jisoo hadn't shown any pictures or talked much about him if he truly had no idea and for a moment, he was content with being anonymous, "What do you do for a living?"

Taehyung shifted in his spot, unsure how to word that because essentially, he worked for his Father. To most that made him sound like just another rich kid who had the world handed to him.  People often doubted how hard he worked and that frustrated him to no end, angered him even.  He resented the fact that his name was tied to the company, "I work for a technology company.  We create and manufacture software used in the medical field." It was an easier answer than saying that he was second in command for the company, "And you?"

Jungkook had so much pride in what he did when he was in Los Angeles but here, choreographing dances didn't have the same ring, the same prestige.  For some reason, he wanted his sister's fiancé to be impressed with what he did, to see him in a positive light.  For a moment, he wondered if he should lie but decided to just go with it- hopefully after tonight he wouldn't see any of these people again, "I'm a choreographer."

"A what?" He had only heard of such jobs in movies.

"I teach singers and dancers how to do routines. Like when you watch a music video? Come on Mr. Technology, I know that you know what I'm talking about!" Jungkook nudged him, watching as his jet-black curls bounced against the high neck of his dress shirt. The boy was undeniably handsome, potentially one of the most handsome men Jungkook had ever seen.

"I see you met my brother!" Jisoo appeared like she had been sneaking about, quickly and quietly.  Her hand ran across Tae's shoulder, making sure that he took in every inch of her, making sure he knew how lucky he was that she gave up her good years all to marry him.

"Your brother?" Tae raised a brow, "So that's who you are!"

"Wait- you two have been sharing a drink and haven't properly introduced yourselves?" She shrugged, looping her arms around her brother's neck.  It felt awkward since it had been so long, both parties stiff under touch but when the familiar scents encased one another, they relaxed.  It felt like home, "I missed you." Jisoo pulled back first, her hands cupping her brother's cheeks and taking in every inch of him, "You grew your hair out since the last time I saw you and is that-," She moved a few of his wavy locks behind his ear, "An earring!"

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