epilogue - five years later

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"She's an absolute angel Jisoo! Seriously, gorgeous.  She got your eyes!" Taehyung was fawning over the newest member of the family, a tiny baby girl swaddled delicately in a light pink blanket, "I don't know how you guys have stopped yourself from making a thousand of them!"

Jisoo groaned, "You need time to forget the sheer agony of pushing the size of a watermelon out of a hole the size of a pea- also the sleep!" For just giving birth she was still beautiful, her once long black hair chopped into a short bob that was tucked behind her ears- she called it her Mom cut but everyone else found it charming and edgy.  Just as she had always been.

Jin chuckled, enamored by the memory of his first born as he pondered if this one would be as difficult, "Gah! Especially the sleep! Imagine if Jungkook woke up four times a night just to eat."

"Are you saying that you don't think he does that?" Taehyung let a cheeky smirk fall over his lips, winking to the man who he had wed almost four years ago to the date.

For some it seemed quick; for the business world it seemed taboo.  For them, it was perfect.  As they discussed they had hosted it at the beach house in Rhode Island, only close family and friends invited.  Jungkook had sent out for Jimin who showed up with a plus one- the infamous Min Yoongi who had seemed to hang around for the entire duration of their relationship.  He was glad to see they had both finally admitted their feelings, grateful that they could all be friends in this next chapter of life.

"That's rude!" Jungkook rolled his eyes, "But speaking of that- don't get any ideas!"

"What do you mean?" Tae challenged.

"No kids! We just adopted that crazy dog and he's enough of a handful!" Jungkook waved his hand about, "Besides- Jisoo's two are just enough!"

Jisoo had fallen pregnant shortly after the night they buried Dad in the ocean but she would never admit what night it happened on specifically.  It was almost unsettling when she had found out it was a boy, nervous that it was the reincarnation of her Father- it would be just her luck after saying such negative things about him her entire life.  Luckily though, as soon as Jay had popped out , it was evident he was simply (and in the best way) just another Jeon, big doe eyes like Jungkook- whiney like he had been too.  

Jisoo's maternity leave couldn't have come at a better time, the months off were able to be spent helping her brother plan for the wedding she had never had.  She still had her binder that was filled to the brim with themes and florals and although she was focused on what shade of purple they'd want in their flowers, Jungkook was focused entirely on Jay.  The two quickly becoming the closest duo.

"I think you two should have some!" A voice from the door echoed out.  It was Hoseok, the owner of the dance studio where Taehyung and Jungkook had technically had their first moment- a world of hope it had been indeed.

They had gone there almost every week for three months prior to their wedding, destined to get the first dance down perfectly.  Hoseok had suggested they do something fun and crazy- Jungkook opted for classic- Taehyung of course helped them find a middle ground.  The youngest of the bunch was grateful to have made another friend in his dance instructor, finding out they had far more in common than anticipated.  He had even picked up teaching at Hope World two Saturday's a month and volunteered to lead the weekly waltzing class at a nursing home on Thursday night's.  

Tae would join when he could.  He was a terrible waltzer but charmed the pants off of every old woman (and man) who spotted him.  They were fascinated to find that he was indeed married to Jungkook, begging to see wedding photos and hear all about their lives each time they visited.

Attached to the man's hand was an incredibly small and adorable four year old with a giant mop of black hair that sat in natural waves.  He had Jin's eyes and plump lips, Jisoo's button nose- he was a walking and talking doll.

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