chapter seventeen

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When it came to wedding planning, a week was practically an hour- time flying as preparations were forced to fall into place, as dresses and tulle and colored swatches were presented. Jungkook had watched mood boards take over his sister's dining room, late night texts echo in about the color that the grooms tie should be.

In a way, he wondered why she wasn't asking Tae but then he remembered that the boy was overseas. Traveling around Japan as far away from the chaos as possible. The difference between the two was that running a company that focused on technology led for more fun, interesting break throughs, advancements, travel. Running an investment company meant late nights, shitty coffee, and the only culture being the colorful words that a New York drunk slurred when Jungkook finally got to leave the office after midnight.

He wondered why Tae hadn't texted him to let him know when he was leaving or coming back. Were they not that close? He thought they had been after their stint over the previous weekend. Every night he seemed to fall asleep to the feeling of Tae's lips on his, the way his thigh rubbed in between. It was all he could think of to keep going when times were trying, when he wanted to move anywhere but here.

"And now, we'll hear from our soon-to-be CEO, Jeon Jungkook!" The boy shook the thoughts of Taehyung's bulge, opting instead to focus on the presentation he'd be giving to the board.

It wasn't as interesting or thought provoking, certainly not as sexy or fun, but it was necessary. After all, his Father still insisted to watch each slide, read through everything thoroughly from the head of the table. He wouldn't give up that spot until the bitter end.

"Thanks for being here everyone! As you can see we were stagnant in the first quarter which was to be expected. We didn't have any leads during that time that were beneficial in making any rash decisions but as we enter the second quarter-," Jungkook paused, his eyes peeking around to everyone who sat around the table. They seemed to watch him with disgust, with envy- a mix of emotions. He wondered how much they really knew. Did they know he was gay? That he had been pulled from his family because he admitted that he liked to fuck other men, or had Dad kept that hush, hush.  Surely, it was the latter.

Jungkook attempted to continue, "But with quarter two, we need to tack onto the sales team. I think our best use of funds would be too- okay, what's going on here? Why is everyone staring?"

Mr. Jeon seemed less than thrilled that his son had stopped the presentation, a grunt escaping from his lips, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean what am I doing? Rosie from marketing has been staring at me like she's ready to burst into tears, JB from sales looks petrified at my existence- I know this is my first meeting in front of you all but I thought it was going okay?"

"Settle down son!" His Father warned from the edge of the table, his fingers gripped tightly to the corners as his beady eyes narrowed.

"We're only staring because we're being nosy!" A sweet, petite women who owned the entire essence of customer service piped up, "We heard about the falling out and we're all just surprised that you came back so easily."

"Well it wasn't easy!" Jungkook clicked at the pen in his hand, pacing about, "But thank you for saying that!"

"Is it true that you're gay?" Another unfamiliar face piped up from the crowd, "We heard that's why you were originally let go."

The boy gulped, his eyes fixated back on the charts he had spent so many hours on, "I guess my Father can answer that question..." The words were barely audible.

"Your Father will most certainly not be answering that!" The man at the edge of the table spat the words, saliva falling as he did so.

Something about the deranged look in his eyes caused Jungkook to ball his fist, anger seeping through every ounce as he remembered the words that were spoke years ago- fucking faggot. How anybody could call their own such a term was beyond him and Jungkook vowed that if he was ever fortunate enough to be blessed with a son, he would never say anything of that sort- he could never.

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