chapter three

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Jungkook had watched New York come into view from the plane window. He suddenly was desperate for a drink of any type, the bright lights of big companies beckoning to him as he wondered if his Father was in one of the buildings, slaving away, being a general bad taste in the mouth of the world.

At the airport, a town car had picked him up, the type that had water bottles and mints in the back seat. On one hand, he was disappointed because he had been desperate for Jisoo to sweep him away from the chaos but on the other, he was grateful for some more time alone. Some time to reflect. He pulled his journal out and set up shop at the desk of the hotel, writing about his feelings being back in the city that he grew up in.

On one hand, he was happy to see that much of it looked the same. Dirty, busy, bright- it didn't sound all that appealing but each of those aspects gave it a certain charm. He enjoyed the way people seemed to survive as one, a unit of strangers sifting across streets, dodging lights and each other like a well-oiled machine. People here were stoic, well dressed, their hair was tamed. He wondered if Taehyung was the same way, just another serious business man in an overpriced suit.

Would Jisoo allow for that? She was so fun and free.

Jungkook texted Jimin that he had arrived, shutting his journal and slipping into something less comfortable. He had opted for plain black in hopes that he wouldn't stick out amongst the crowd, mostly hoping that his parents wouldn't spot him.

Despite the fact his hair was inches longer, worn in its natural texture, and that his jawline had become more defined, not much else had changed. His skin was still the same milky white with a bit more a summer glow to it, his eyes a little brighter, not dulled down by endless hours of investment reports, and his muscles were far more defined. A fact that wasn't hidden by his slim fit black slacks.

He opted to walk to the venue, amazed that he still felt so at home in New York and so familiar with the location of everything.

It was early, that he knew, but he wanted to talk to Jisoo away from the crowds, from all the people. He needed a moment just the two of them to be together as one for the first time in a long time.

Inside, the venue sparkled with vintage wood floors, walls painted stark white, and exposed industrial beams and bricks all about. Fairly lights dangled and all around was giant masses of greenery covering black clothed tables. It looked exactly as he had anticipated and also nothing like it at all. His hand ran through one of the bundles of palm leaves, checking for imperfections amongst each one. He plucked anything that was less than top tier, shoving it in the hands of a server walking by.

A familiar voice rang through the venue, "Why are there white hydrangeas anywhere? How does that match the rest of the theme?" It was Jisoo, accompanied by a male and another woman who looked around the same age.

The woman had a clipboard in hand, a piece in her beckoning for somebody to immediately sweep the hall of hydrangeas. Jungkook laughed at the site- same old Jisoo.

"It's okay! They'll get rid of them." The boy placed his hands on Jisoo's shoulders, smiling sweetly at her to reveal the perfect curve in his cheeks. He seemed so genuine in his reaction, "Go finish getting ready, everything will be taken care of."

She narrowed her eyes at the bundles on the table, picking at a vacant place setting, "This gold looks cheap. I thought I told you to go with a gloss-," Her hand flew to her face, palming it a bit too hard, "I'm so sorry! I'm not trying to be a bridezilla. I'm totally being one!"

The wedding planner shook her head, "It's okay! It's okay! We'll get it fixed." She mouthed into her ear piece to swap the gold place settings.

"My makeup artist is here, just handle it!" She stood on her tip toes to kiss the boy that Jungkook assumed as Tae. He didn't seem to have a reaction, just staring at a distance like he needed to do something but couldn't remember what.

"I don't much mind hydrangeas!" Jungkook decided to make his presence known, plucking away from the bundles where they resided, "But I do agree that they don't match the theme."

"They smell lovely though!" Tae had no idea who the man in front of him was, he simply assumed he was a server or part of the planning team. He was well dressed, handsome in nature, and whimsical appearing with long wavy locks and a shirt that adorned a pattern that was a bit loud for these parts of town.

"You don't want a scented flower while you're eating!" Jungkook smirked, "Because than that scent is mixing with the food, all of a sudden you're surrounded by two appetizing scents that aren't cohesive with one another. It's the same reason we don't use scented soap before eating- it hinders the taste despite the fact that we believe we enjoy the scent."

"Wise words!" Tae smiled. The boy was charming, he had bunny like features, his nose scrunching in delight at the compliment and yet, in perfect contradiction to his adorable face was his overly toned body. Tae had tried not to stare at the way his thighs pressed against his tight black slacks but it was hard not to. He bit his bottom lip, "Well I best get ready myself! Can't wear a day suit to a night event..."

Jungkook laughed, the words reminded him of something his mother had once said, "God, can you imagine the uproar that would ensue!"

"An absolute travesty! I'd probably be thrown from my own party!"

They shared a knowing laugh, one that Jungkook's friends at home wouldn't be able to relate too. One that was reserved for New York's elite.

For a moment, it felt almost natural. 

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