I Wonder Why

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I've always wondered why it must be
If you want a good future
Neglect your family
Wake before your parents work
Sleep when even shadows don't lurk
Never see your youngest siblings
Mounds of homework on your back, crippling

If you want to succeed
Don't even think about sleeping
Hold the pen tight
Cut your veins bleeding
Write your hearts out
Be told they are wrong
Create anything you want
And yet don't come too strong

I've always wondered why
Before, learning was cooperation
And as the years go by
It turns to competition

What happened to the days
Where you could sit and wonder
Why is it a butterfly
Chooses so many colors?

What happened to the days
Where you could listen to someone talk
Not because they were right or wrong
But because the words they said
Danced in your head like a song

A small light bubbles in me
When I see a person answer excitedly
To a teachers question
Only to find out
They were only happy they were chosen
Not because of their passion
Much to my chagrin

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