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The universal language of humans
Is pain
We know it so well
Understanding it is humane

There are many types of pain
The throb we feel when love expires
The sharpness of a sudden wound
The bubbling sear of a wretched liar
The ache of running on fumes

But of all pain, the most universal
Is the one of loss
In the English language
It is the easiest to get across

If we lose our home
We become homeless
If we lose our money
We become penniless

When we lose our minds
We become insane
When we lose our faith
It becomes a fight in vain

When a child loses their parents
They become an orphan
And yet, the only word we have for a parent who loses a child
Is childless

In all of the English language
We only have a word so lame
Because the truth is, no word can encapsulate the feeling
Of never seeing your child again

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