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I floated away into the mist
My only desire to find a new place
One away from the one I know best
One with a different rate of pace

My bleary eyes blinked away the blur
And what I saw I couldn't believe
Such fantastical, fanatical things
By God, I never want to leave

Delicate peacocks with crimson flames for feathers rested atop
Mountains surrounded by mist that looked like fat-bellied men
That laughed with booming voices
When told the same jokes again and again

Two faced deer pranced around the streams
One would ask to take a drink
And with a coy little smile,
The second would push their face past the brink

Tulips put on boxing gloves
And attacked each other with purpose
Trying desperately to knock an L and add an R and an N
And turn them into turnips

And as wonderfully silly this world would be
My favorite place of all
Would be where I could accompany She

A beautiful willow tree I landed on
Swayed gently in the breeze
She took all my worries away
And lulled my anxieties with ease

She asked me suddenly
What it is I desired
And I told her, away from my other world
Where I always feel tired.

She just gave a little nod
And sent a breeze to carry me away
To let me fly through the moon
And find another place to play

And as I flew through the sky
I noticed something peek though
It was something that made my heart ache with want
A truly wonderful view

My home

In all it's splendor
In all it's mismatched, stitched and patched splendor
The yard hadn't been mowed in a few days
And the roof let in a few sun rays

Yet it was the only thing in this world
That took my breath away
And made me realize

Heaven is a fantastical place
But reality is a better prize.

A Sea Shore Still Has PebblesWhere stories live. Discover now