Slivers of Starlight

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The night breeze cloaks me
As I hurl my blanket down,
And fall onto my knees.
Not a single sound

Could be heard
Beyond my silent screams.
Thrashing- gnashing- churning-
Begging to remember why
My brain desires but my eyes deny.

And then I stop.


I lay down on my back
And see the moon starting to wane
And the stars are glowing brightly
Softly whispering to the pain.

It seeps into my cracks
My chinks, my fissures, my faults
And lightly taps into me
I can't count every fault

And for every crevice life hacks
At me, a little sliver of starlight
Gently shines through
And reminds me that
Before there was light

There had to be darkness too.

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