Strawberry Snails

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It hurts
My soul aches and burns
And silent rivers dibble from my chin
And silent screams echo in my dreams

Is it too much to ask
To be reminded why to live
To be able to hold onto the little beauties
Instead of crushed by gigantic realities

I used to think words helped
To see the physical manifestation of my hurt
But lately I've realized
It was bandaids on an artery spurt

How can I STOP

They say there is beauty in pain
Because it lets you know when there is peace

I worry
That what I feel right now is my peace

As this runs through my mind,
I see a small snail crawl by
It falls off the wall
A small crack in its shell
I place a small strawberry next to where it fell

And out of all the things to break my spell
This tiny snail in its broken shell
Maybe I too will choose to live another day
So I can find my reminder
Of why I choose to stay.

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