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JoJo's P.O.V: Y/n's been really wanting to learn how to skateboard and do today I decided I was gonna teach her. I texted Y/n telling her to come to the free time house. Meanwhile waiting for Y/n to come to the free time house I decided to play smash with Nick.

After like 30 minutes of waiting she finally walked through the door it was now around 7:30 pm "Hey guys" she said to Nick and JoJo sitting next to me. "Hey baby" I said to her
"Is Emily here?" She asked getting on her phone "Yeah I'm pretty sure she's in Adi's room" "Alright I'm gonna hang out with her" She said getting up.

Y/n's P.O.V: I walked into Adi's room with my eyes closed ever since they did the "Having my friends walk in on us" prank I've been walking in with my eyes closed. "We're not doing anything" Emily said "Good because I wanna hang out you" I said taking Emily by the hand and basically dragging her out of Adi's room. "WE WERE BUSY" Adi yelled annoyed. "I don't care!" I yelled back.

I went out to my car and got my skateboard and came back inside . "Do you want me to take some pictures of you for Instagram?" Emily asked "Sure" I said back smiling at her. We took some pictures and she went back up to Adi as I walked back to JoJo. "Let's go teach you how to skate!" He said sounding way more excited than me which made me smile.

I got on the board and JoJo put his hands on my waist to catch me if I fell . "Alright y/n your doing good now just skate towards me" he said as he backed up hella far away from me. I skated to him but then I realized I didn't know how to stop. "Wait JoJo how do I stop?" I asked but I didn't ask in time and I then crashed into him and we fell on the grass he broke my fall so I was fine. I heard a laughing I looked up it was Nick, Tal and Adi. "You guys just couldn't wait to find a bedroom huh?" He then walked off laughing with Adi and Tal laughing with him.

"Ughhh" I groaned placing my head into the crook of his neck.

It was now pretty dark out and the stars were shining bright "Y/n/n y'know your still laying on me right?"  "Yup" I replied . "You're literally crushing me" he said you were shocked and you punched his shoulder  "Oww! I was jokingggg" he dragged out. I laughed and we laid there for hours until we finally went back to my apartment at 4am.

A/n: Lol really sorry I didn't update on Monday . Lately I've been having a lot on my mind and updating slipped my mind. I'll upload Monday's chapter after this one that's all I have to say bye love you❤️

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