Tal (P1)

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Y/n's P.O.V: It was around 11 pm when I randomly woke up from my nap to the sound of loud music coming from the house next door  "UGH this again?" I groaned .

This honestly isn't the first time I woke up to obnoxiously loud music while taking a nap the first time I let it slide but now i'm getting tired of it. I got up out of bed put on sweatpants because its cold as hell outside at night. I stomped down the stairs put on a jacket and walked up to the house the music was so loud I could literally feel the ground freaking ground shake.

I knocked on the door and a guy with light brown hair and blue eyes looking around my age answered the door . "Could you please turn down the music? I'm trying to take a nap" I said a little irritated but still had a little smile on my face "Yeah of course" he said back to me smiling at me I smiled back.

I walked home and took off jacket and pants and went into my bed and got comfy and about 10 minutes later the music they were playing got 5x louder "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" I yelled.

--The Next Day--

I woke up feeling like shit because I only had 4 hours of damn sleep having to listen to the music they were playing I got dressed wearing sweatpants and a random crop top not putting that much effort into the outfit because I just wanted to be comfy .  I stomped down the stairs feeling like crap "Good Morning" my best friend said to me with a huge smile on her face "Hey god morning" I said yawning "How'd you sleep?" she asked "Bad" I complained "The assholes next door were playing their music so damn loud and when I asked if they could turn it down they said yeah then when I got comfy and went to sleep they turned it up louder than it was before" I said annoyed she laughed then handed me an ice coffee "Thank you" I smiled at her.

"You're welcome let's go you have that big test today" she said getting car keys.

She dropped me off at my collage and left I was walking into the school and then I seen 𝙝𝙞𝙢 getting out his car.

"What an asshole" I rolled my eyes walking into the school.

A/n: I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been a little busy writing a new story I don't know when i'm going to publish it but I promise it'll be veryyy soon anyways that's all I have to say bye guys :)

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