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Adi comforting you after a mental break down (preferences)

~He runs you a warm bath. You've been having a fairly rough day.  First your car ran out of gas on the highway so you had to call an uber and someone to come get your car and the 45 minutes to get to you and the pickup truck took almost an hour so you were now SUPER late to your meeting, at that point you didn't even want to go so you just went home to your boyfriend Adi. You walked into the two of yours shared apartment and you just slumped on the bed after taking off your work clothes your boyfriend patted your back and kissed your head "Do you want me to run you a warm bath?" He asks. "Yes please" you mumble almost barely above a whisper but he still managed to hear you.

~You two take naps together which helps the both of you feel better.  You came home mentally drained from the day you've had "Ughhhhh" you sighed loudly out of frustration Adi pokes his head out from the kitchen to see you looking pretty upset, "Are you okay baby?" he asks cupping your face "Noo work has tired me out" you said pouting "Lets go take a nap" he says "But baby I have a- " Adi picks you up and takes you into your shared bedroom "Get changed into comfy clothes young lady" he says you smile and do what he says. 5 minutes later he's back  and tackles you on the bed laying on your tummy you just smile and drift off to sleep.

~He takes you on late night drives around the area you live in. Lately you've been overwhelmed with the amounts of homework you've been getting from your collage professor "Damnit I need something to distract me from this or something" You complain while sitting at your desk while your boyfriend Adi carelessly scrolled  through instagram not giving a single fuck about his assignment due at 11:59 it was now 10:45. "Babe let's go on a late night drive" He insists grabbing car keys and swirls them "Okay" you said a bit hesitatingly but then eventually gave in deciding you really deserve a break from all the work you've been doing and getting done.

A/n: Yes guys I know this one was really short but its mainly because I didn't really have much in mind for Adi but yeah! At least I updated, Tal is next so Tal simps come get y'all juice.

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