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Kendall Ranley

Amber took me to a completely outrageous club. Strippers cascaded the floors of the place and practically every man had been receiving a lap dance by half naked women. I thought we'd go to a casual bar but Amber certainly had other plans.

"What are you drinking!?" Amber yells out to me over the blaring music. The darkness mixed with the flashing lights is something worth seizing over.

"Surprise me!" I reply in a yell and she walks off to the bar. While Amber is gone I take another look to study the club, It's definitely not my scene. It's proactive and bizarre, yet again I can see why people feel so alive here, it's the adrenaline.

Amber comes back and hands me what looks like a margarita. I take a sip and my face turns sour. "Jesus Amber that's a lot of tequila."

"Oh please, relax, c'mon let's go dance!" She smirks and yanks my arm towards the dance floor. I groan but I follow her, might as well try to have a little fun.

The music is electric and with the bass it causes goosebumps to appear on my skin. Amber and I danced and danced and danced. I felt myself getting taken over by alcohol and music.

After multiple drinks I feel like a different person, the feeling was euphoric. So much for one drink.

Lorenzo Russo

The turn out at the club tonight was more than exceptional, I first bought the club for a few of my men to let off some steam but it turned into a huge money grab. Besides the money benefit, it's fairly easy to find a decent lay here and there.

"Who you looking at tonight?" My right hand man, Marco asks. Marco has been in my life ever since I can remember, he's like a brother through and through.

"No ones caught my eye yet." I say in a monotone voice and he chuckles.

"Why don't you go call up Sophie, she'll do the job." Marco suggest and I roll my eyes at the thought of her. Sophie was a girl I hooked up with who believes that we'll wed one day. She's hot and a good lay but annoying as fuck and just borderline difficult.

"I don't feel like dealing with brats today." I grumble and my hands fist together. "I've already had to pick a fight with Micha." The Mafia is a dangerous place, our rivals, the Russians, can't seem to stay out of our business. They're leader, Micha loves to cause me a shit ton of problems.

"They steal any shipments today?" Marco asks and I shake my head.

"Almost." I answer. "I caught the little shit before he could do any damage."

"My advice, go call Sophie." Marco pats my shoulder and I chuckle lightly. I pull out my phone, about to call Sophie until someone captures my attention. From the balcony of the club I see a wildly dancing brunette. Hot wasn't even a word to describe her as, she was stunning, gorgeous. A whole fucking goddess.

My jaw clenched when I saw some prick walk up to her and grab her waist, rage filled within me. Some blonde, which I assumed was her friend ran him off and I had my opening.

Kendall Ranley

After some frat boy lookin' guy tried to get in my pants, I went back to dancing freely. Amber and I were laughing until we couldn't breathe and singing like our lives depended on it.

Time had felt like it stopped when I saw a very intimidating but extremely gorgeous man walking towards me. My arms fell down to my side and my lips parted, he wasn't real. There was no way someone who looked like that existed. I turned around to find Amber but she wasn't behind me dancing but sucking face with some stranger ways away. I felt a strong presence behind me and I knew that it was that piece of art, therefore in my drunken state; I turned around

His bold eyes stared down on mine and I wasn't exactly sure what to say or do, I was senseless until he finally spoke.

" You look like you could use a good fuck, am I right baby?"

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