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Kendall Ranley

Smut :)

The next morning I woke up and had a fluffy white pillow below me instead of Lorenzo's hard chest. I figured he left until I heard a rustle of pans downstairs.

I padded down the steps and was met with Lorenzo's back facing me as he worked away at the stove.

"So he cooks." I say sarcastically and he turns towards me. "Morning." He smiles back at me.

I look to the clock hung on the wall and the time read 9:27am. "Crap I'm late!" I exclaim and move to rush up the stairs.

"You're not, I called in for you." He says which makes me stop my tracks and I look at him with wide eyes. "You're stuck with me all day."

"You did what? You can't do that, I can't skip work just to hang out." I say and he chuckles at me. "I'm serious Lorenzo I need to be at work." I sigh and reach for my phone on the kitchen counter.

"Aye, take a breath. Everyone needs a break once and awhile, you work too much. Besides, I made you breakfast so you aren't going anywhere." He says, snatching my phone away from me to which I sigh.

"I hate you." I lie and he snickers, turning back to the stove with a plate in his hand. "You love me."

I take a seat at the bar and Lorenzo hands me a plate full of satisfying food. "Thank you." I say quietly and he takes a seat beside me.

"Listen about last night I-"

"No, no I'm glad you told me. Kendall I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm here with you, and it's going to stay that way." He promises which makes me smile.

"I'm in if you are." I say strongly and a smile perks up on his handsome face.

"Yeah?" He questions with a grin. "Yeah." I nod.

He pulls my face towards him and connects my lips with his in a kiss full of passion. He quickly escalated the situation by grabbing me by the waist and pulling me onto his lap. My fingers get lost in his dark hair and his tongue swirls in my mouth. He grips my breasts through my shirt and I moan against his lips. "Get this off." He mumbles with hunger and I pull away to remove the oversized T-shirt. He pulls me back in right away and I trace the line of his boxer's with my fingers.

"You always this horny in the morning?" He smirks at me. "I should be asking you the same thing." I sass back and he lifts his waist up as I finally remove his only piece of clothing. I run my thumb across the pre-cum that's appeared on his tip and use both hands to jerk him tenderly.

"Fuck, just like that." He groans and I pick up the speed. He reaches for my waist band and I maneuver around to take them off with ease. Lorenzo cups me through my panties and I groan; annoyed at the piece of fabric that stands between us.

"Just take them off alr-" I whine but I'm cut off by the sound of ripping. Lorenzo holds my white lace panties in his hands, ripped apart. "I didn't mean like that."

"Take it or leave it baby." He breathes out and attacks my lips with aggression. I feel his fingers at my entrance and he rubs his thumb against my clit. My head rolls back and I let out a moan when his middle and ring finger enter me.

"Oh look at you, you like when I fuck you with my fingers? You're so pretty baby." He coos as I ride his fingers

"Please." I plead in a moan and move in a circular motion. His fingers curl inside me and I grab his bicep for support.

"Tell me what you need, Kendall." He says in a husky whisper. "Tell me what you want."

"You, you. Just all of you." I tell him weakly and a smirk appears on his face. He removes his fingers and sucks them clean. "Sweet." He states with a smirk, yet again.

He lifts me up slightly and I feel the pressure of his cock through my folds. "Fuck." I breathe out and start grinding my hips against him. I link my arms around his neck start harshly sucking on his skin. When I pull away, I'm satisfied with the freshly bruised skin on the side of his neck.

I smile at my work and move faster against him. "You're the only person who's ever given me a hickey." He hisses out, that's sort of shocking.

"Let's keep it that way." I wink back and he takes a hard grip on my hips and flips us so he's on top. He takes hold of my neck and squeezes it and I feel my nipples harden. He repeatedly thrusts into me and I pray to God I won't scream so loud that the entire neighborhood hears me.

I cover my mouth with my hand which Lorenzo quickly moves away. "No" He shakes his head, "Let me hear you."

He hits my G-spot repeatedly and I come undone. I'm a heavy breathing mess and Lorenzo thrust once more before finally releasing. He pulls out and moved to lay on my chest.

"Good fucking morning."

Ahhh, morning sex. x

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