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Kendall Ranley

"Welcome back!" The locker room filled with people cheered at me. A wide smile came across my face at the swarm of people here to welcome me back into the hospital.

I caught up with a few staff members before I started back in the ER. I missed the thrill of being a trauma surgeon.

"You're starting off easy Ranley, nothing too big yet." Michael says to me like the boss he is. I nodded and went beside a gurney that laid a badly bruised women.

"Pupils blown, we need a head CT. What the hell happened?"

"Husband's handy work." Michael answers me and my jaw clenches at the thought of a women being abused by her so called 'husband'. If I saw him I'd knock the son of a bitch out myself.

"Any kids involved?" I ask as I check out her bruised abdomen.

"A foster kid. In the waiting room, pretty shaken up." A nurse alerts me and I look up to Michael for permission to go check up on them.

"Go, I'll page you if there's an emergency." He says and I take my gloves off and jog into the waiting room.

My lips part at the sight of the little girl I treated months ago. Beth Flynn. Her parents died in that horrific plane crash and now she was left with an abusive foster parent. My heart shattered for her, at her age I can only imagine what she's seen.

I began walking over to Beth and suddenly she turned my way. She rushed out of her seat and ran over into my arms, I instantly welcomed her in.

"Get me out Dr.Ranley, make them go away." She pouted as she clung onto me. At this point I was sat on the floor in the middle of the waiting room with a crying child in my arms.

I smoothed her blonde hair out and rubbed her back until she was able to calm down. She reached out for my help, she wanted to get out of the toxic place she had been placed into, and I'd make it a life mission to help her.

"Take me home. Please, please, please take me home." She whined and I looked at her fragile state behind my shiny eyes.

"I know baby, I know." I bring her back into my embrace. "I'll get you home." Her breathing slows down and her grip on me loosens. I let out a sight of relief finally thinking she's calmed down. I was wrong.

She'd fallen out of my arms and started frantically seizing in front of me. My hands began to shake but in an instance I had flipped her on her side.

"I need a gurney here!" I yelled and within seconds one came rushing by.

"I got it Kendall, take a breath." Amber orders me and I stand there in disbelief. How did I not notice something was wrong? I could've done something to help her.

I walked outside the hospital and sat on the benches in front of the hospital. It was a terrible rush. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if something major happened to her. I was right there with here, I shouldn't examined her to make sure she was healthy. I'm a damn surgeon for crying out loud.

After taking a mental break, I took a deep breath and walked back into the hospital. I walked into every OR gallery to see if Amber was operating on Beth, I prayed she wasn't.

My final check was OR 4 and there I saw not only Amber but our head of Neurosurgery operating on Beth's brain. My breathing hitched and I felt my stomach drop. I took a seat at the back of the gallery and my leg began bouncing up and down. I bit at my nails for hours as the operation went on. I still didn't know the severity of her injury and I was chopping at the bit.

As soon as they were finished and I saw them go to scrub out, I rushed to meet them.

"What happened?!" I ask in a frantic yell as soon as I burst through the door. Our head of Neuro looks startled by me but Amber definitely expected it.

"She had a brain bleed, I told you we'd handle it. She's going to be fine." Amber says to me and walks me out with her arm around my shoulder. "You want me to drive you home?" She offers and I shake my head.

"I- I think I'm going to stay here tonight. She's going to wake up with nobody there, I wanna be there for her." I say and Amber looks at me with soft eyes.

"Are you sure?" She question and I nod. She gives me a quick nod before walking off and I make my way to Beth's room. On my way, I shoot Lorenzo a text to inform him on everything and tell him I won't be coming home.

Although I leave out the part where I believe I found a child I care deeply for and want to give a home. I'll save that for an in person moment.

Sneak peaks to my new story are out now!

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