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Kendall Ranley

It's been a few days since my day with Amber I decided that it would be best to tell Lorenzo about my issue. If he was with me for the long run it's best for him to know sooner rather than later.

"Can I talk to you, it's important?" I ask Lorenzo with fiddled fingers. He's sat going through what seems to be a load of paperwork.

"Course." He says with his eyes still glued to the pages and I cup my hand around his face to look at me.

"It's important." I say quietly and his eyebrows furrow.

"What's going on?" He asks in a worried tone and pulls me onto his lap to which I hook my arms around his neck.

"I heard you, the other day. You- you mention babies Lorenzo. I- I don't know I- just what are your thought? You want kids with me? Wh-was it just a slip?" All the preparation I had come up with was completely thrown out the window and was replaced with panic.

"Take a breathe baby."

I inhale deeply and look into his loving eyes and let a large breathe out.

"Good, and of course I want kids with you. I want everything with you." He says without the stuttering or confusion. I feel my heart shatter and I pull him into a hug. I hold onto him like he's going to run away from me, and he just might.

"I'm infertile."

Lorenzo freezes in my hold, silence falls between us and I feel a tear slip down my face. He pulls away from me and I am faced with his blank expression, he pushes me off his lap.

"Say something." I plead and his face stays as it is, emotionless, numb.

"I- uh I need to leave." He lets out. He stands up from the sofa and walks straight out of the house. My lips part and my eyes drown in my own tears. I sat in the empty, silent house and rested my head on the cushion. He needed his time, that was something I owed to him. Sleep felt the only thing that wouldn't break me.

"You know there's a perfectly good bed upstairs." My eyes shoot open at the deep
voice above me. Hoping to come face to face with Lorenzo, I see Marco's cold face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a disappointed tone and rub my tear stained eyes.

"Where's Lorenzo?" He crosses his arms like he's interrogating me.

"I don't know." I reply quietly.

"Are you crying?" He asks like he's about to make fun of me. "What happened?"

"What's it to you, not like you care." I say in a childish tone and stand up to grab a glass of water.

"You right I don't. But I care about Lorenzo so now tell me, what the hell happened?"

It's really none of his business but I took it upon me to tell him. "I can't have kids." He doesn't say anything, no shock runs through this face. He's just Marco I guess.

"You told him today and he took off." He answers himself in an unusual tone. He sounded sympathetic.

"Yeah." I reply back in a whisper.

"Get in the car." He demands and I feel my eyebrows furrow together.


"Just do as you're told, get in the car Kendall." He says seriously and walks out of the house. I take the chance of trusting him and follow him into the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on. "Where is he?"

"Just shut up." He dismisses harshly and for the sake of Lorenzo I listen and watch outside the window as we drive to the unknown destination.

Hey, Marco ain't that bad, right?"

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