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Kendall Ranley

A small tugging on my lab coat woke me out of slumber and my eyes slowly opened. I quickly recognized Beth's room and my eyes shot open. My neck was extremely sore from falling asleep on a highly uncomfortable chair.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" I ask Beth, trying my best to sound cheerful and lively.

"My head hurts." She mutters softly and rubs her tired eyes. A smile came to face knowing that she was okay.

"That's normal and it will go away soon, I promise." I tell her and rub her arm in a comforting way.

"Pinky promise?" She held her pinky out to me and I chuckle lightly at the childish act.

"Pinky promise." I reply and hook my pinky with her's. I pull my phone out of my pocket with a missed call from Lorenzo and I step out of the room to call him back.

"You know I really did miss you last night." He says seductively through the line and I roll my eyes with a smile.

"I'm sure you did but it was important for me to be here." I reply which makes the conversation turn more serious rather than sexual.

"What even happened? You've never stayed

"Uh you know what, I'll come home for a bit. It's best if I tell you in person." I reply with a bit of hesitation because the conversation I want to bring up is a pretty big and important one.

"Okay so I'll see you soon then?"

"Yeah I'll see you soon, bye." I reply and end the call and walk back into Beth's room to tell her I'll be gone for a bit. On my way out I send Amber a text to let her know I'll be out and to check on Beth whilst I'm gone.

I felt exhausted when I was driving home. I haven't been back to work in a hell of a long time and it was a hard routine to get back into. Not to mention I had just about the worst sleep of my life.

"Ugh I missed you last night." Lorenzo comes barreling through the front doors and picks me up for a loving hug. "Couldn't sleep without you." He says and presses kisses all over my face.

"I missed you too psycho." I laugh and kiss him on the cheek while ruffling his hair.

"So how was your first day back?" He asks and throws his arms around my shoulder and I link my fingers with his. We walk through the garden together, this seemed like a nice place to tell him.

"Remember that day of the plane crash?" I ask referencing to the day I met Beth but his eyebrows just furrow together. "The day I told Sophie off?"

"Oh yes I do remember that day." He smirks and I roll my eyes playfully. Little bastard.

"Well more importantly, there was a huge plane crash and I took care of a little girl all day. Her name is Beth Flynn and both her parents died in the crash." I inform him and his face falls. "So obviously she went into the system. Today we had a woman come in, she took a beating from her husband. Beth was their foster daughter. She came to me for comfort we later found out she had a brain bleed. She seized in my arms Enzo. That's why I stayed last night, I'm attached."

The look on his face is telling me that he's listening and processing the information. I don't know if he knows what I'm getting at or if I have to spell it out for him.

"You wanna...adopt her?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and I nod.

"For a short answer, yes. She's a great kid and she deserves people who will love her. I know we can do that. I want us to give her a home." I say and hold his hands in mine.

"Can I meet her?" A smile comes to Lorenzo's face and I let out a breathe of relief. This could be the next chapter in our life. Together.

This is kinda just a fill in chapter.

Next updates going to be super sweet:)

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