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Lorenzo Russo

"Did you marry that girl yet?" Marco asks me once Kendall stormed out with Beth. This is so typical of him, a total ass in a serious situation.

"Where the fuck have you been?" I say through gritted teeth and he walks past me out of Beth's room.

"Personally, I like the old place better. Frankie still living there?" He questions, total ignoring the question.

Through frustration I slapped my hand across this face, "Answer the damn question!" I boom through the hallway of the house and his face turns serious.

"Sit down before you break something." He mutters and moves to the kitchen island and grabs a bottle of vodka.

"You aren't drinking when my daughter is going to be near you." I snatch the bottle out of his hand and put it back.

"She's cute, Beth right? You two adopt her or somethin'?" I nod my head and he scoffs jokingly.

"Seems I've missed a lot."

"Right. Which brings me back, where the fuck have you been?" I ask for what feels like the hundreds time. "You're supposed to be dead Marc."

"I didn't-" He lets out a big sigh before continuing, "I didn't want to get in the way." He states and my eyebrows furrow.

"Get in the way of what?"

"You were going to have a family with Kendall, a real family. I didn't want to get in the way of that." He says with his head down and a frown finds it's way to my face.

"You're right." I say, "I have a real family, that you're apart of. I want you in my life, Kendall wants you in her's and we want you in Beth's."

He stays silent.

"Did you fake your death because of Kendall and I?" I blurt out the question he was waiting for.

"I thought it would be better if I was gone."

"Where did you go?" I ask and his head finally lifts up.

"Australia." He answers and my eyebrows raise. That's one place to escape.

"Why'd you come back?"

"I was tired of running. I want to be here." Marco replies and I just nods my head.

"So, you kill the leader of the Russian Mafia and make our life undoubtedly easier and didn't even come to celebrate?" I laugh and a small grin comes to his face.

"Oh I celebrated alright, you should see chicks down there." He says and I chuckle at him.

"I'm glad you came back." I state, "But you need a fucking hair cut man." I comment and he starts laughing.

"Whatever." He murmurs, "I'm sorry I scared your little girl."

"I think she'll be alright, how the fuck did you even get in?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Even the best security can't best Marco Lombardi." He replies, the bastard is still full of himself.

"Does anyone know you're alive?"

"Uh your parents and now you guys." He says and my eyes shoot open.

"My parents?! When?"

"I showed up at there place, scared the fuck outta your poor mother. I told them I wanted to show up myself, didn't want you to hear it from them." Marco answers and I shake my head.

"Is that what this ball is about?"

"Oh yeah," He chuckles, "Your father insisted we all get dressed up to announce that I didn't get murdered in cold blood."

I hear the front door open and a sound of small rapid footsteps coming our way. Beth's small frame comes into the kitchen area with her face covered in vanilla ice cream.

"Oh god." I sigh and pick her up and set her on the counter next to the sink.

"In my defence, they were out of napkins." Kendall comes in with her hands up in surrender.

Beth giggled as I wipe the sticky substance off her face. "Did you resolve everything between the two of you?" Kendall questions with her hands on her hips.

"We're fine babe." I answer and she nods. "Good."

"Thank you daddy!" Beth perks up at me and hops of the counter and runs off into the living room. My eyes widen at what she just called me me.

"Oh my God." Marco says with his hand over his mouth. "Thank you daddy!" He immitates Beth and Kendall and I have to stop ourselves from laughing but just end up a huge laughing fit.

"Could- could you imagine if Kendall had a daddy kink and she would call- no I can't even say it." Marco holds his stomach in laughter and Kendall hits him on the shoulder.

"Enough talk about daddies, dear God." Kendall snickers and sits down next to Marco. "Okay Enzo, go spend time with your daughter. It's my turn to interrogate James Bond over here."

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