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Kendall Ranley

My fingers fiddled together as the three of us sat down at a table in silence. This wasn't going well at all and Marco was shooting daggers my way with clenched teeth.

I took another sip of champagne and suddenly my breathing quicken when Lorenzo rubbed his large hand up and down my thigh. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I nod but I'm panicking on the inside, this isn't at all my scene.

Suddenly Marco dramatically gets up and leaves the table in a determined stride. "What's his deal?" I ask in suspicion.

"He's protective. Lorenzo is the boss and he brought a random chick to a family event. That's never happened before, Enzo can't have any distractions or spies for that matter." Frankie says and I look at it from his view and I guess he's right. A random girl thrown into a Mafia ball isn't exactly normal.

"Spies? You think I'm a spy?" I ask.

"I don't know, are you?" He cocks and eyebrow my way. Before I can deny that I am, an older man; who I assume is Lorenzo's father, begins speaking into a microphone.

"Good evening everyone, I'm very fortunate that you could all attend tonight. A night to put aside our differences and hatred for a peaceful night. Enjoy tonight, as war will continue tomorrow." His short speech sends hundreds of goosebumps up my body. It boggled my mind how people did this, it felt illegal to be here.

A five star dinner was served but I barely had an appetite. I had felt nausea the entire time I was there. I guess Lorenzo sensed that and agreed to take me home early.

"How are you?" Lorenzo asks. "After tonight"

I contemplate my answer for a second and scoff, "You know the difference between you and I? I save lives, you end them. I can't see how this could work." Without another word I get out of his car and walk back into my house. Maybe if he was different we could've made it, but he's a killer. He runs the Italian Mafia for gods sake, that's not something I can take lightly or brush off.

It could never work, right?

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