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Lorenzo Russo

Her eyes widen at the question I asked her and it made me grin. She was a tiny little thing compared to me, she was maybe around 5'7 with her heels on.

"Who are you?" She slurs out with an empty drink in her hand, she hasn't stopped smiling since I've been in front of her.

"Russo, Lorenzo Russo." I state and she makes a face at me. "You're standing in my club sweetie."

"I've got a name." She sasses back at me and puts her tiny hands on her hips. I raise an eyebrow for her to continue. "I'm Kendall, not sweetie." She replies sarcastically and giggles at herself. "But I guess I'll allow you to call me what you want." She takes a step towards me and runs her hands down my chest. She looks up at me and bats her eyelashes. "Maybe I could use a good fuck"

I felt my dick twitch when those words left her plump lips, I'm not even ashamed at the fact that she made me hard by just looking at her.

I move my hand to cup her cheek and she leans into my touch, "You sure?"

She smirks and her hand moves from my chest to bellow my belt and she grips my bulge. "Are you?"

Within seconds I grab her hand and lead her towards the stairs where we keep private rooms. I was eager and wasn't wasting anymore time.

Kendall Ranley

I'll blame the alcohol tomorrow. He was very nice to look at and I tend to get horny when I'm drunk.

He takes us upstairs and leads me into a dim light room. I've always turned into a different person when drunk and that was certainly showing now.

After the door was shut and locked I took control and pushed him down onto the bed and stood between his legs. He cocked his eyebrow at me and I reached for his buckle which he gladly let me loosen. After successfully getting Lorenzo down to his boxer, my drunken brain was excited to see how big he was.

Lorenzo lifts my chin up with his fingers and looks at me lustfully. He leans down and connects his lips with mine, full of aggression. His tongue brushes against my bottom lip for entrance and I obey. When eventually pulling apart I remove his boxer and I'm finally able to see his member. Taking it in my hands I begin stroking, jerking him off. I hear Lorenzo groan and I take him into my mouth. His large hands move to my hair and he holds it back. My hands move up and down at the base of his shaft and my tongue swirls around his tip.

"Fuck." He groans and I use two hands and pick up the pace. I was taken by surprise when he pulled me up and attacked the end of my shirt, eager to get it off me. When finally down to my bra and underwear my fingers move to his buttons which I undo in record timing and pull his shirt off of him.

Lorenzo looks me up and down, "Get on the bed, now." The dominance in his voice is present and I feel the intense moisture in my panties. I lay in the middle of the bed with my heart beating right out of my chest.

Lorenzo climbs on top of me and attacks my neck with sloppy kisses. He moves to my lips and my hands get tangled in his dark hair.

His hands roam my body and he cups my sex, "You're so beautiful baby." My back arches as he unclasps my bra and plants kiss after kiss around my chest. He finally gets my panties off and I'm sexually frustrated. I grab his bicep and pull him closer, begging for more.

"Eager aren't we?" He smirks and I slowly jerk his dick and his eyes flutter shut. Once I let go, without any warning he thrusts into me and I yelp in surprise.

"Take it, be a good girl for me." I melt at his dirty words as he thrusts in and out of me. I'm not used to his size but even that raised the pleasure.

"Faster fuck, harder." I try to speak but the pleasure and moans leaving my mouth don't allow me. He picks up his pace and pounds into me over and over again. I take a wild opportunity to reach up to his shoulders and flip him over so I'm on top.

He's taken back but I roll my hips and he groans at the contact. "Shit baby, just like that." I moan at his words and begin moving more tenderly. His large hands grip my hips and he takes my right nipple into his mouth. I throw my head back in pleasure and move fast against his cock.

"Cum for me baby, let go." He instructs and I come down from my high and he groans as I feel him release inside me. I fall down beside him and we're both a sweaty, heavy breathing mess. I was worn out, exhausted. After a time like that, I'm glad that I didn't remind myself for that one drink.

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