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Kendall Ranley

The next day I had the most grateful opportunity to do a solo surgery. Although I was slightly worried considering the events that have occurred these last few days but there was no way I was giving this up.

"Are you ready?" I ask in a singsong voice to the 8 year old boy I'm operating on. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about having my first operation on a kid but I'll deal with it.

"Yep! I'm all ready!" The little boy exclaims and I smile at him. He grins, missing one of his two front teeth. He looks behind me and his happy, childish face is replaced with a frighten one.

"There's a scary man behind you Dr.Ranley." He tells me, with a confused face I turn around and see Lorenzo standing in the door way. My jaw clenched at the sight of him but I make sure to smile when turning back to the family.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment." I say and they nod frantically, clearly shaken up by the sight of Lorenzo. I walk towards Lorenzo who has a cocky grin on his face. Shutting the door behind me I crossed my arms and put my hardest glare on Lorenzo.

"Don't you have anything better to do, what are you doing here?!" I yell at him in a whisper. He starts chuckling deeply and it's sends goosebumps upon my skin.

"You're very cute when you're angry, you know that?" The tone he speaks in gives me a replay of what happened that night at the club. Mr.Sex on legs.

"Look, I don't exactly know what you're doing but you need to stop. I don't want you, we had sex, I was wasted, it's over. So stop showing up at my work, stop punching people, and stop scaring patients. Leave me the hell alone." I end my rant quite proud of myself for speaking up to a Mafia boss like that. Although I very quickly regret it when he grabs me by the throat and my back hits the wall.

Tears spark up in my eyes at the sudden aggression and his eyes are black. "No one, no one talks to me like that. You understand that I could slit your throat right here, right now. I can kill you Kendall Ranley, don't push me."

My fingers attempt to peel his large hand off my neck. He immediately let's go when he sees the tears rolling down my cheeks. I rest my hand on my knee as I hold my neck, trying to catch my breathe. I can feel the attention on me and I see Lorenzo back away from me with an unreadable look on his face.

"You can throw me around, beat me. Though you will never kill me." I say with an unknown feeling of confidence. He cocks an eyebrow at me, "Why's that?"

"Oh Lorenzo, I've already got you wrapped around my finger and I haven't even done a thing." I say and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. "And you know I'm right." I point my finger at him and find the courage to walk towards him. "So now, I'm not asking but I'm telling you. Get the fuck out of my hospital and don't show you face back here."

I see people around me shift uncomfortable, hell I'm even shocked. I would never have the courage to say this to anyone, never mind Lorenzo Russo. To me and everyone else's surprise, he gives me one last look and walks out.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in and Amber comes sprinting towards me, "You're alive after that?! Holy shit Kendall what were you thinking?!"

Oh well that's just it Amber, I wasn't. I wasn't thinking, just like I wasn't thinking the night I welcomed the devil into my life.

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