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Kendall Ranley

Grab the popcorn.

I'll be over in 20 <3

Lorenzo had notified me earlier that there was no one home except him and he insisted that I came over. Therefore, I grabbed the person for my master plan and sent him a text saying I'll be over soon.

"I can't believe you thought of this." Micha says to me as we drive along the road.

"I get smart when anger." I say and he chuckles slightly. I've been in a better mood now that I know what I'm doing is going to set him off. Is it bad that I'm excited to see his reaction?

"You're a vixen, Mrs.Ranley."

The ride is spent mostly in silence as I'm eager to get to Lorenzo's house. Cheating was never something I took lightly, trust and honesty were two of the most important things in a relationship. Lorenzo failed at both and now he's paying the ultimate price.

When we pulled into Lorenzo's driveway I bite my lip at the thought of what's about to happen. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and turned to talk to Micha.

"Stay hidden, you know what to do." I tell him and he nods at me. I walk up to the door and Lorenzo opens it with open arms.

"I missed you." He says and leans in to kiss me which I obey to keep up my act. The perfect, loving girlfriend.

"I have a surprise for you." I smile and a smirk appears on his face. Lorenzo always said I was terrible at hiding things but not this time. I'm stiff as a board, nothing's breaking me.

"Stay here." I wink flirtatious and he nods, clearly captivated by me. I walk up the stairs and into his bedroom. I set up the what's needed and walk back downstairs. I grab his hand and lead him up to the bedroom. I plant kisses on the back of his neck to try and get him more in the mood.

Once the doors open I shove him on the bed and pounce on him immediately. I straddle his waist in a sloppy make out and he groans when I grind my hips against him. "It's been awhile hasn't it." I say seductively and his lips
attack me again in respond. His hands reach my waistband but I quickly grab them and pull them away.

"Did you think of me when you were fucking her?"

His face pales and a frown is drawn upon his face. I grab his hands and cuff them to the headboard so he's restrained. "W-what are you talking about?" He stuttered. Stutter, Lorenzo never stuttered.

"Sophie, did you think of me when you were fucking her?" I ask again and his face is full of guilt.

"I can explain please, it was an accident, I was dr-" He tried to persuade me and I just roll my eyes.

"See I used to be the one who was terrible at hiding things, seems the roles reversed." I chuckle darkly and he attempts to pull at the cuffs.

"Oh, you aren't going anywhere baby." I state and he looks at me with an unreadable expression. "You're gonna watch."

"Watch wh-" His sentence comes to an end when Micha walks into the room. His jaw clenches immediately and he yanks at the cuffs again with aggression. "Get these things off me!" He yells and we both laugh.

"I told you, you're going to watch, do as your told." I demand.

"Looks like I didn't need to ruin anything, you did that yourself." Micha hisses before leaning into me and capturing my lips.

Lorenzo screams in rage but it only brings me more pleasure. Micha starts getting touchy and takes my tank top off with ease. His tongue enters my mouth and I welcome the feeling.

Did I want to do this with Micha? No. Is it the greatest revenge in history. Fuck yes.

Our clothes were torn off in seconds as handcuff chains and Lorenzo's yells filled the room. "I'm going to kill you Micha, in cold fucking blood!" He barks at Micha and I unclip my bra.

"Whoops." I say nonchalantly and Micha takes my breast into his mouth. I knot my fingers in his hair and moan out his name. That'll send Lorenzo through the roof.

"Kendall please don't do this." Lorenzo pleaded with a tear stained cheek and I make a cold face at him. I felt no remorse as I moved to tug down Micha's boxers.

He pins me up against the wall and I feel his cock twitch at my entrance. "Don't." Lorenzo warns and we both turn to him with delighted smirks on our faces. I look him right in the eyes up until the point when Micha rams into me and my eyes screw shut.

"Fuck..." I hiss out and he lifts me up effortlessly and pounds into my against the wall. "Don't stop Micha, don't s-stop."

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU SICK FUCK, GET AWAY!" Lorenzo roars into the room
but we don't stop. We fuck like animals and it's driving Lorenzo crazy. Mission accomplished.

We moved to edge of the bed where I straddled Micha's waist and began to ride him. "Just like that Kendall, just like fucking that."

My hips grind against him and I look at Lorenzo over his shoulder. He looks weak, broken, damaged. Just like I wanted him.

"Now you know how I felt when you fucked a slut because you couldn't stand the fact that I did things my way." I breathe out intensely and smirk at the tears falling down his face. I should feel bad, really bad. Although, he broke me first and I just returned the favour with more spice, if you will.

I feel my climax coming and I thank God that this dude actually managed to make me
finish. "I'm-"

"I know, do it." Micha instructs before I can even finish my sentence. I let go and felt my cum run down my leg. I climbed off of Micha
and crawled towards Lorenzo. I swiped my
finger along my leg, picking up the residue.

"Open." I demanded as I held my two fingers up to his mouth and his lips parted. I shoved my fingers inside until my juices were liked clean.

"Good boy." I praise while I slip them out. I stand from the bed as Micha and I put our clothes back on and walk right out of the house, leaving Lorenzo to be found in his handcuff state.

When walking out I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Amber's number.

"What did you do?!" She practically yells into the phone and I chuckle lightly.

"I fucked his enemy." I say effortlessly.

"Oh.." She sounds disappointed.

"In front of him." I add and I hear a gasp through the line.

"Holy shit."

Sooooo, what'd y'all thinkkkkk?

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