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Kendall Ranley

"I'll just have to fuck away your smart talk, won't I darling?" Lorenzo slams me down against his bed and devours my mouth with his.

"I guess I better keep talking then." I smirk and Lorenzo lets out the most animalistic sound and rips the small white shirt that was clung to my chest in half.

"Lorenzo." I moan out as he tugs off my shorts, leaving me in only a black lace bra set.

"You're killing me Kendall." He groans and my smirk grows. We're both competing for dominance and I know that I'll be giving Lorenzo a run for his money.

I push him off me and shove him back down back on the bed and straddle his waist. His hands grip my waist so harshly that I can practically feel bruises appearing on my hips.

I match my lips with his and kiss away with hunger. I move down his naked chest and kiss down until I get to his waistband. I palm him through his sweatpants and begin pulling them down, and someone wasn't wearing anything underneath. I start jerking his cock and throughout I pick up the speed. I make in abrupt stop and move to face him.

"I want you to fuck me like a whore."

Lorenzo's lips part at my statement and a low hum hears from his throat. In a swift motion his flips me back below him and without any warning he thrusts into me. My back arches off the bed and I let out a loud moan. Lorenzo quickly slams his hand over my mouth.

"Quiet, you want to be fucked like a whore you'll be treated like one too. Not a peep." He says darkly and continues to pound into me. His hands find my wrists and he holds them above me as they are pinned against the headboard.

"P-p-please." I plead and he gives me a warning look. I didn't know he'd be this serious but if I'm honest it turn me on even more. "I'll be g-good, I promise."

He wraps his hands around my neck and grips my thigh with his other. His stroking becomes rougher and faster as he rubs his thumb against my clit.

"Christ." He groans against my neck and nips at my skin. He hits my G-spot repeatedly and my legs begin to shake.

"I'm going to, I'm-"

"You only cum when I say so." He cuts me off in an instructive manner. My eyes screw shut as my legs wrap around his torso. He was killing me. His finger dented my skin as he pounded into until he finally said...

"Cum." Lorenzo spoke and his wish was my command, my shoulders relaxed and my hands found his. "Anymore smart ass comments?" He teases and I chuck a pillow at him and he chuckles at me.

"I need a shower." I breathe out and make my way to the master bathroom.

"Round 2 in the shower?" He smirks and I roll my eyes. I shut and lock the door behind me to ensure he doesn't pounce on me, literally.

70k!!! Thank you <3

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