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Kendall Ranley

Work was slow throughout the entire day and I had the great privilege to go home early. Once I got home I immediately took a hot shower, changed into much more comfortable clothes and poured myself a cool glass of wine.

I was half way through 'Mamma Mia' when my doorbell interrupted the film. Pushing away my blanket I walked to the door and opened it for a broad standing Lorenzo.

"Hi." I say surprised, I wasn't expecting company. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't see my girl?" He asks sarcastically with his head cocked to the side. My girl, we never established anything but I have a feeling that I have to get used to that.

He invites himself inside and I shut the door behind him, "Your girl?" I ask slowly and he send me a weird look.

"You have to talk to me, Enzo. This is between you and I, it's not just a you thing. I'm not an object I can't be owned. So explain to my how I'm yours?" He shoulders slouch down and he sighs.

"Darling you've been mine since I met you at the club. I'm not normal, Kendall. My life isn't normal, I've never been with anyone so my relationship with you will definitely not be normal. My life isn't good, I'm not good. But I want to be good for you, you're the only person I want to be good for. Selfish is my middle name and I'm not ashamed of that." Lorenzo lets out with sincerity. I move to the sofa to sit down and he follows my movement.

"I'm bipolar." I let finally let out and his eyebrows furrow slightly. The only person who's really known about this is Amber, it's something I hate talking about. "I have bipolar disorder, the night I met you was based of off impulse. I let it control me way more than it should." I admit and his eyes soften for the first time.

"I- I hate the person it's shaped me into and soon enough you will too. I like you, I like you a lot." I smile through shiny eyes. "And from what I know you feel the same way about me. But I don't want to suffer through pain, when you leave me." I tremble the last through words and a tear slips from my eye. Having bipolar disorder wasn't something I took lightly. It had this unknown effect on me, I despise myself for it.

Lorenzo cups my cheek and wipes away the weak tear I let out. He pulls my into him and I sit on his lap as I curl into his chest. His long fingers run through my hair and he plants kisses along my neck. He doesn't say much but soon lifts me up and walks upstairs into my bedroom.

He sets my down on my bed and I pull my sweater sleeves down. Lorenzo pulls off his shirt, followed by his pants.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he climbs into bed.

"We're going to bed baby." He says and shuts the lights off. I wanted nothing more then to be held at night, I never experienced that.

I climbed under the covers and he immediately pulled me into his chest. My leg draped across his waist and my arms roamed his bare chest.

"I would never let you suffer, ever." He whispers and plants soft kisses behind my ear. That was the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep in the arms of Lorenzo Russo.

Was that foreshadowing I see?

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