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Kendall Ranley

"Holy fuck, Holy fuck, Holy fuck." I repeat over and over as my nerves continue to take over me.

"Relax kid, stop swearing my God you sound like a trucker." Michael says calmly from beside me and I pace around the room.

"I'm scared okay?!" I snap and bounce my leg up and down.

"You're just getting married." He shrugs. I rolled my eyes and looked in the slim mirror ahead of me.

My dress was simple, just the way I wanted it. So was the venue and we keep the guest list small. We planned this wedding in a month and even though Maria wanted something huge, Lorenzo and I won that fight. I wasn't sure why I was nervous, it was just Lorenzo. Although I felt like vomiting, it was torture.

"Bottoms up." Michael says to me and hands me a glass of water.

"Thank you." I say and down the cup instantly. It was just Michael and I in the room. I asked him to give me away a few weeks ago, was the first time I'd ever seen him cry. Michael was the father figure in my life, he was perfect for the wedding. "Can't you get me a shot of tequila or something." I say as I jog on the spot, supposedly it helps with nerves.

"I'm not letting you drink before you go out there." He says in a fatherly tone and I whine.

"You're no fun."

"Yes, Yes I'm old and a prude. Now, they're ready for you." Michael says after checking his watch and my heart drops.

"I'm getting married now?" I saw frantically and begin pacing again.

"Stop." Michael grabs my wrist. He pulls my veil off the table and sets it on the top of my head. "You're ready for this." He assures me and I take a deep breath and look in the mirror.

"Do I have to wear this stupid thing?" I huff, regarding the veil.

"It's traditional." Michael answers and maneuvers it around my head.

"Screw tradition." I say and pluck the veil off my head. "Okay, I think I'm ready." I breathe out and hook my arm with Michaels.

I try and settle my breathing down once I see Beth trail down the aisle, as she dumbs rose pedals out of her little basket.

"I've got you." Michael whispers comforting and we begin walking down the aisle to the beautiful piano and violin rhythm.

Lorenzo stood in an all black suit and there was no denying how dapper he looked. I held the bouquet of roses that felt extremely clique but we all needed a touch of that. I reached the end of the aisle and Michael let me go off with a kiss on the the cheek. Amber stood as my maid of honour and shot me a wink of encouragement.

"Please be seated." The pastor announced and everyone took their seats. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Mrs. Kendall Ranley and Mr. Lorenzo Russo. We stand here in the presence of family, friends and God to join together this man and this woman in a Holy Matrimony."

I stare into Lorenzo's eyes and there's a new light that wasn't there before. He seems free, at peace. It made me smile much brightly than before.

The pastor went on with utter nonsense that neither I or Lorenzo cared about. I stared into his eyes with love and wait until we'd finally wed.

"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows." I hand my bouquet to Amber and Lorenzo takes my hands in is.

He slips the wedding band on my ring finger as he says his vows. "I, Lorenzo Anthony Russo take you, Kendall Elizabeth Ranley for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward, 'till death do us part."

I slide the black band on Lorenzo's ring finger and began my vows. "I, Kendall Elizabeth Ranley take you, Lorenzo Anthony Russo for my wedded husband, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward, 'till death do us part."

A tear slipped from my eye that Lorenzo quickly caught and wiped away. He smiled a genuine one and I returned it. The pastor continued with a few prayers as Lorenzo and I waited impatiently.

"By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lorenzo hands find my face in an instant and he crashes his lips against mine and dips me low. An irruption of cheers burst from behind us and I can't help but smile into the kiss.

"I love you." Lorenzo whispers to me once we pull away.

"I love you." I reply and press my forehead again his.

I hear Beth's giggles from a meter away and bend down to her level as she jumps into my arms. I stand up and left her up on my hip as Lorenzo wraps his arms around my waist and kisses Beth's head.

"Oh let me get a picture of the Russo family." Amber says in a sing-song voice and pulls out her phone and snaps a photo.

"Kendall Russo." Lorenzo says to me, "It's got a very nice ring to it."

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