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Kendall Ranley

Michael called me this morning and told me to not bother coming in today which I was slightly relieved by. Amber insisted on staying with me but I shooed her off, she didn't need to babysit me.

I slept in until around 10am and I took at hot bath with a cup of coffee in my hand. The hot water released my tense muscles, I never wanted it to end.

Just my luck, the door bell interrupted me. Thinking it was Amber, I wrapped a robe around my body and made my way downstairs. Prepared to see Amber's face, instead I see Lorenzo.

"It's a good look for you." He says referring to my robe. "Though I'd prefer it on the bedroom floor." He whispers in my ear and walks past me into my home.

"What do you want now? Did you come to choke me again?" I don't even bother asking how he found my house, he's in the Mafia.

Lorenzo Russo

"What do you want now? Did you come to choke me again?"

I've never apologized, ever. It's something I've never been known to. It's not that I don't know how it's the fact that I've never felt the need to apologize to anything."

"I'm sorry." I look her dead in the eye. "I've got issues, issues I've yet to control. You got under my skin and I couldn't stop myself. I'm sorry, Kendall."

Kendall Ranley

"I've known you for two days, two days. I slept with you; a Mafia boss. You showed up at my work and caused a fight in front of everyone. You show up and scare a little boy and choke me. Not to mention your unneeded and untrue claim on me. I am not yours." I begin stepping back in case he decides to lose his temper again. To my surprise he just stands there with his hands shoved in his suit pockets. He starts walking towards me slowly with a sly smirk on his face.

"We both know that you are in fact, mine." Even just the tone of his voice made me shiver. His control over me with just a few words was uncanny.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper and he lets out a soft chuckle. My back is against the wall and his cool breath fans on me.

"Because I can, baby." My breathing hitches at his words, I stare up into his piercing eyes. Lorenzo makes me feel things I've never felt before, even after knowing him for such a short amount of time. Not to mention how unbelievably toxic he is, I can't help it.

His face is millimetres from mine and it doesn't take much for him to finally press his lips to mine. I'm hypnotized by his touch and my hands move around his neck as I indulge in the kiss.

His lips move with mine like they were made for me. My entire knowledge of common sense and human decency was thrown out the window. My legs wrapped around his waist and he held me against the wall. Suddenly, to my surprise he put me down and pulled away.

"See, mine."

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