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Kendall Ranley

"I love you."

The idea of hesitation wasn't even in my mind when I said those three words back. Lorenzo was everything to me, a world without him is wasteland. We need each other, we trust each other, we love each other.

"You do?" He asks and I already saw that coming. He's going to doubt everything, he'll begin thinking little of himself.

"I do." I promise. "I know I shouldn't, I know you don't think I should. But I won't allow you to play that bullshit card on me. I'm here with you regardless on how reckless your life is. I love you."

"Are you worried?" He asks and catches me off guard. Worried about what? I give him a questionable look and he continues, "That I'll screw up. I mean, I know I will but what if I hurt you?"

I place my hand on his cheek and smile at him despite the upsetting conversation. "No, I'm not worried. I know you and I know that you won't hurt me." I know Lorenzo has never worried before, he was too cold for that.

I lean up and give me a quick kiss and lay back on his chest and shut my eyes. Whatever life throws at us next could be dangerous or wonderful or maybe even life changing. But whatever it is, we will get through it.

Lorenzo Russo

The time read 4:28am and I was wide awake. Kendall was turned away from me with her dark hair cascading the pillow, fast asleep. I was more than shocked that she told me she loved me back. I didn't intend on telling her that but within the conversation, it came out but I'm glad that it fucking did.

She was the calmness within the storm.

I climbed out of bed quietly and walked into the kitchen to find Marco standing against the countertop with a cup of whiskey in his hand.

"It's early don't you think." I speak up and he turns his head towards me with bloodshot eyes.

"Does it really matter?" He slurs out and I grab the cup of liquor and replace it with water. He's never been drunk before.

"Sober up."

"Are you going to marry Kendall?" He blurts out loudly and my eyes widen. "You're going to officially leave me if you do that." He says and my eyebrows knit together.

"Since when am I dating you?" I chuckle but he makes a deadly serious face.

"She took you." Marco says. "You threw everyone away for little Mrs. Nurse."

An ongoing trend seems to be the hatred towards Kendall. Everything between her and I was mutual and we choose to do it. She's never forced me upon anything, wish I could say the same for her but I can't help it.

"You're drunk, suck it up." I huff and the cup slips from his hands and smashes on the floor. Marco strides towards me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Come back man, we can be like we used to be. The money, the hookers, the guns, the fucking Mafia." He says with hope and I pry his hands off me. "You changed Enzo, we need you back."

"I changed for the better, I changed for her. Kendall's the best thing that's ever happened to me and you know that. Don't ruin the only thing I've got going for me."

"Y0u're choosing her over me?" He asks in a dark tone. "Her over me! After everything that we've been through together. You picked the whore you banged over me! You were my brother man, when did you become such a God damn pussy!?"

I dive towards him and his stumbles backwards. We both fall in front of the staircase in an intense brawl. "Don't talk about her like that." I defend Kendall and my right hand hits right between his eyes.

"HEY!" I hear Kendall yell but I keep going. I'm sick and tired of everyone thinking they know what's best for me. Kendall's voice disappears and is soon replaced my Frankie's.

"What the fuck is going on!" He bursts and pulls Marco and I apart. He has a busted lip and a bloody nose on his frustrated face.

"Seems I still got it." I taunt and his nostrils flare. "Get out." I point straight to the door and he doesn't seem to argue and walks straight out.

"What the hell was that about?" Kendall asks with crossed arms.

"Don't worry about it." I dismiss and she rolls her eyes, "It's nothing you have to worry about."

"Fine." She huffs and walks back up stairs. When Frankie and I hear the bedroom door shut he starts.

"What the fuck is going on between you too, the both of you need to calm down." Frankie called us out seriously. Frankie has always been the fun sibling, someone who was full of joy. Not sure how my two parents conceived him but that's besides the point.

"He doesn't shut up about Kendall. Says she has a bad influence on me or whatever." I spit out with frustration clear in my voice.

"He's just committed Enzo, he wants your full attention on the Mafia. Marco and Dad have some very similar thoughts."

He's wasn't wrong; unfortunately. My father has always been cruel and I don't believe that he'll ever change. Marco on the other hand, he had potential. He takes after my father more than I do.

"I should go talk to Kendall." I sigh and start walking up the staircase.

"Don't lose her again." Frankie stops my tracks. "I mean it."

What do you think will happen next?

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