[14] Judgemental

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I'm sitting on the last row. It's my last subje t for today. I was planning to ditch this class since the teacher is always picking on me. She'll ask me questions and I always give her the exact answer to shut her up.

"Miss or should I say, Mr Ford." Here we go again with her teasing. Ugh, I want to kick this teacher out.

"What?" I asked in a cold manner.

"Care to explain why your gangmates aren't present in my class?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me or I'll give you detention."

I glared at her. "Seriously? In front of the class you're abusing your power as a teacher?"

"I'm asking you but you didn't give me the right answer."

"And I gave you MY ANSWER."

"Let's meet in the principal's office again."

"Oh sure! I'll make sure I'll be there with five of my classmates in this class to make sure you'll be fired." I smirked.

Her eyes narrowed at me, giving me a deadlt stare. Does she think she's the only one who can abuse her power here? She must've forgotten that I'm still a gang leader.

The whole class is quiet. I can hear some whispering to each other. Yeah right, did this teacher thinks she can fool me?

I showed her a victory smile.

I leaned against the backrest of the chair before saying, "Do you still have plans to give me a detention?"

"Hahaha! That was epic! I wish I was there to see that teacher's face!" Kent said while laughing.

"Yeah, that's a wise answer." Drake commented.

"You just made her ate her own words!"--Brad.

"She's always picking on me, embarrassing me in front of the class. It's not my fault that I've had enough of her bullshits." I rolled my eyes.

"She deserves it."---Kent.

"Now, it's your turn. All of you, why aren't you present in her class??" I asked seriously. I haven't forgotten that their absences was the reason why I got a verbal war earlier.

They all looked away.

My jaw slightly clenched.

"Answer me."

Kent cleared his throat. "Well....we had a fight at the back of the school building."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "What the fuck happened??"

"We accidentally had a fight with some strangers. But just to make it clear, we didn't start the fight. Those assholes did." Ace explained.

"Fucking hell!" I kicked the monobloc chair out of frustation. Dammit!!

"Master, relax!" Brad stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Who the hell those guys are? They really got a nerve to fight my gangmates?!

"Chill, we already settled the fight. We won against them." Drake assured.

"It doesn't mean we can let them go." I said. "They had the guts to start a fight in this school's grounds, then it means they knew us."

"I had the same guess, Master. I think they're invlove in underground battles. The way they fight tells me we fought them once." Drake said. Kent pulled back the chair I kicked earlier. "I don't think it's coincidence. Besides, they even asked where you were before we fought them."

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