Chapter 3: Over at the Frankenstein Place

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We're in the car. It's night already. The clouds looked heavy, black, and pendulous. I had a bad feeling about it. Janet was eating chocolate while listening to President Nixon's speech on the radio. Brad was driving, and I was in the backseat like the third wheel I am, reading a newspaper. I found some of the ads on there to be pretty funny or weird sounding. For instance, one of them was for Shock Treatment in a town near Denton, founded by Dr. Cosmo and Nation McKinley, siblings. It even had their picture, they looked rather strange to me, and that's coming from the "strangest" person in Denton. I kept reading till I found the comic strip page.

Janet offered Brad and I some of her chocolate, I took some, but Brad didn't, he was too focused on the road. For good reasons of course, it was pouring outside after all.

There were a few motorcycles going past us every so often. One passed pretty close to us. Janet said, "Gosh, that's the third motorcycle I've seen! They sure do take their lives in their hands with the weather and all." Brad still focused on the road, "Yes Janet. Life's pretty cheap for that type." I look up from the newspaper, "Hey asshole, I'm that type, did you forget?" Brad sighed and that was all that came out of him.

I guess I must've distracted him with my comment because he looked lost. "I seemed to have taken the wrong fork a few miles down the road. Guess we'd better go back." I lower my head so he could look out the window better. I might be mean, but I'm considerate. Especially if Janet and I are in the car. To my luck that did practically nothing cause suddenly, "BANG". Janet freaked out, "WHAT WAS THE BANG?" Brad looked at both of us, "We must have a blowout or something... DAMMIT! I KNEW I should have gotten that spare tire fixed!" "Nice going asshole!" I say as I adjust myself. "Well you guys stay in here and keep warm, and I'll go for help." Janet said, "Where will you go? We're in the middle of nowhere." "Say, didn't we pass a castle a few miles down the road? Maybe they have a telephone we could use!" He said ever so confidently. "Castles don't have phones, asshole!" I said, they seemed to just ignore me completely, so I just slumped back into my seat. As I'm leaning back, Janet unbuckles her seat belt, "I'm coming with you." I chuckle from my seat. "Oh darling, there's no point in both of us getting wet." I chuckle louder. Janet gets more serious, "I'm coming with you. Besides darling, the owner of that phone might be a beautiful woman, and I might never see you again!" They both laugh. I hand the newspaper to Janet given we don't have an umbrella and I'd rather that I would get sick instead of her. Besides I had a leather jacket, all she had was a thin white sweater.

We're walking towards the castle. The rain is unwelcoming but the castle itself is captivating. There's a light, a bright glow, just beyond the old iron gate that warns "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" and wow, was this a risk worth taking, it's gorgeous and I bet it's even better inside.

By the time we reach the door, we're all drenched in the icy rain. Janet is unsure now, questioning if we should go back, but it's too late, there's no point in turning back while we're already soaked.

"Oh Brad, let's go back, I'm cold and I'm frightened!" "Just a moment, Janet, they might have a telephone." I look over at Janet, "Yeah, for once, I agree with Brad, we've already made it this far." Janet looked displeased with my agreement, while Brad is giving a smug look.

I ring the doorbell. We wait there for a few seconds, Janet already trying to turn to head back, when the door opens.

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