Chapter 15: The New Unexpected Visitor

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As I was going to sit down on my bed, I heard a familiar set of heels clicking down the hallway. I go to investigate. I see Brad following Frank. Did something happen? Oh shit… They didn’t find Janet, did they? I rush over to Brad’s side having an uneasy feeling as I walk past Janet’s room. “Brad!” I exclaim. “What’s wrong, is everything ok?” Brad looks surprised that I’m there, “OH- UH… Rose, yeah… ahem…” That’s when Frank cut him off, “My baby’s gone missing!” Rocky? Missing? But I just saw him with Janet… of course, I can’t let Frank OR Brad know that, Frank would probably go off the rails, and Brad, well, he’d be heartbroken. I see Frank has a whip in his hands, yeah, DEFINITELY, don’t want to let him know what I know. We’re going down the elevator.

We arrive in Frank’s lab, Riff Raff waiting to open the cage door of the elevator. As soon as he does, Frank goes after him with the whip. Riff Raff falls on the floor as he screams for mercy. Frank goes after Riff while he’s down. “How did it happen?! I understood you were to be watching!” He hissed as he threatened Riff with the whip once more. Brad and I stayed behind, not wanting to get in Frank’s way. Riff Raff says while he’s cautiously getting up, “I was only away for a moment… master.” “Well see if you can find him on the monitor!” Riff limps towards the wall where the monitor is. He flips through some cameras, “Master. Master! We have a visitor!” Brad and I look at each other questioningly. We all gather around the monitor. We take a closer look. Brad looks astonished, “Great Scott! Scotty! Dr. Everett Scott!” I give a disgusted face, “What is HE doing here.” Riff Raff and Frank glare at us, mostly Brad. “You know these earthlings?” Frank raised his whip. “This person…” Riff said correcting himself. Did Brad not hear what he said before? Who says “earthling”? They can’t be aliens… right? Transylvania’s a place outside of the country, is it not? “I most certainly do! He happens to be and old friend of mine!” Brad says ever so proudly. “He was our teacher at Denton High, I hated him.” Frank looked down “I see… so this wasn’t simply a chance meeting. You came here with a purpose!” Frank said while making his way towards Brad. “I told you, our car broke down… I was telling the truth” Brad says in a defensive tone. “I know what you told me Brad. But this Dr. Everett Scott, his name is not unknown to me.” “He was a science teacher at Denton High…” “And now he works for your government. Doesn’t he Brad? He is attached to the Bureau of Investigation of that which you call U.F.O’s. Isn’t that right Brad?!” He raises his arm with the whip in his hand. “He might be? I DON’T KNOW!” With perfect timing Riff announces, “Master! The intruder has entered the building!” Frank looks in our direction, “He must be in… the Zen Room! Shall we acquire him in person?” “Can’t we just kick him out?” I accidentally blurt out. Brad comes up to me. “Are we gonna be ok? I feel like one bad thing keeps happening right after the other. What if Frank is almost past his breaking point?” I whisper to him. “It’s alright Rose, I’m sure we’ll be out of here soon.” “But I don’t want to leave, I just don’t want to end up like Eddie…” I see a sense of concern wash over his face. That’s when Dr. Scott crashed into the lab.

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