Chapter 14: Toucha ,Toucha, Toucha, Touch Me

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I wake up. Frank was gone, I hadn't even noticed when he had left. Was he even here? Did I dream it? I looked down at my robe it was badly wrinkled, but that could have happened in my sleep. I sat up on the edge of the bed. Was it too good to be true? I got up to go get ready to see Columbia and Magenta. That's when I realized. It was too good, but definitely true. I struggled a bit, but I managed. I walked over to the closet and I picked out something comfy-ish to wear. I say "comfy-ish" because most people wouldn't pick a corset as part of their "comfy" clothes. I look in the mirror of my vanity to fix my hair. As I'm doing so, I notice hickeys on my neck. I should at least attempt to hide them. I try, but there's no luck, I just reposition my hair and hope for the best. I walk over to my door and head out.

I'm standing outside of their door now. I hesitate to knock. I stand there a few seconds. Right as I'm about to knock, the door bursts open. "Oh, hey! I was just gonna check on you!" Columbia said as she pulled me in. I see Magenta sitting on a chair, blow-drying her hair. She had her right stocking and shoe off. "Hey Magenta!" I said. She looked at me and nodded. "What are you guys watching?" I curiously asked. Columbia said as she went back to her spot on the daybed to paint Magenta's nails, "The monitors. We have cameras in every room in the castle, some of them even have multiple angles." Oh no... Did they see what Frank and I did? Did ANYONE see what we did? I hope not. Columbia continued, "Sometimes we like to see what everyone's up to and what everyone is doing. Plus, we keep an eye out in case Frankie needs anything." "Oh..." I say as I join Columbia on the daybed.

"Hey, wait, who's that?" Columbia asks us. "Janet? What's she doing?" I ask. From the screen, we can see Janet walking towards the tank that Rocky was born in. She pulls the red sheet and pops out Rocky, wounded. Janet gasps, "Oh, you're hurt!" She pauses, "Did they do this to you?" Rocky nods. Janet looks agitated. "I'll dress your wounds." She says as she rips off a piece of fabric from her petticoat. "Oh, baby, there." She puts that piece of fabric on Rocky's hand wound. Rocky looks up at her and smiles, placing his hand on hers.

"Tell us about it, Janet!" Magenta and Columbia say as they giggle. I give an awkward laugh. I heard Janet say from the monitor, "I was feeling done in... Couldn't win." What is she talking about, she's happy with Brad... isn't she? "I'd only ever kissed before." Columbia, looking confused, says, "You mean she...?" "Uh-huh." "Yeah..." Magenta and I replied, cutting her off. "Now all I want to know, is how to go. I've tasted blood and I want more." I heard Magenta and Columbia chanting, "More. More. More." What? No. She's engaged. I hardly like Brad, but he doesn't deserve this. Janet kept ripping her petticoat to bandage Rocky up and also close that distance. I didn't like watching this. This wasn't my sister. She wouldn't act like this... would she? No. She's a loyal person. Especially to Brad. She's so in love with him, why is she acting like this. I hate to say it; I was warming up to Brad finally, this night made me see him in a new light. I suppose my sister had found a new light as well. Magenta and Columbia were mocking her. I was just zoned into the monitor. This had to be a prank. I really hope it is. Her decision could make it go downhill for all of us. ESPECIALLY if she's caught. I couldn't take any more of this. I went to my room. They were too busy messing around, they didn't even notice me leave. I hope they don't question me about it later.

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