Chapter 6: Sweet Transvestite

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It's too quiet. You could hear a pin drop. I quietly walk over to Brad and Janet, who are both giving me a weird look since I joined in on their dance. I didn't want to see their "judgy" faces, so I stood behind them. Janet nudges Brad, "Say something Brad..." "Say, do any of you know how to Madison?" The Transylvanians, including myself, were all confused with his response. I mean, don't get me wrong, I know what the Madison is, but where did he think that was a good question to ask?

"Brad please, let's get out of here." Janet said as she tugged at our sleeves. "Hey, wait, I don't want to leave yet!" I exclaimed. Brad replied, "For God's sake, keep a grip on yourself Janet." "Yeah, I agree with Brad on this one, I mean, it's just a party Janet, what are you so afraid of?" I paused for a second, "Wow Brad, that's two times that I agree with you in one day, congrats!" Janet looks like she's on the verge of fainting again. "Well I wanna go!" She exclaimed. "We can't go anywhere till we get to a phone." I said. She cried, "Well, then ask the butler or someone!" "Just a moment Janet, we don't want to interfere with their celebrations." "This isn't the junior chamber of commerce Brad!" "They're probably foreigners with ways different than our own, they may do some more folk dancing!" I rolled my eyes, "Can you guys not read? The banner literally says, "ANNUAL TRANSYLVANIAN CONVENTION", of course they're foreigners, my god." We've backed up all the way to the elevator in the next room, I notice the elevator coming down. "Hey, um, guys, someone's using the elevator..." "LOOK, I'm cold, I'm wet, and I'm just PLAIN SCARED!" I say quietly, "Once again, I am being ignored." Janet turns around towards the elevator and notices the elevator as well, "Oh, now she sees." I sigh. Brad still as clueless as ever says, "I'm here there's nothing to worry about!" Brad finally turns towards the elevator. Janet screams and faints, luckily I catch her. The elevator cage door opens.

I look up and I see the master of the castle. His energy is bewitching. I'm entranced. He's wearing a black cape with a silver interior. He's wearing makeup, but his features display femininity and masculinity. He is beautiful. He starts talking to Brad since he's on eye level with him. His voice is so elegant and velvety sounding. I start staring at him. His dark eye makeup makes his eyes pop, they're a pretty hazel green.

He starts walking back towards the "party" room. Janet's waking up, Brad trying to wake her up more, meanwhile I'm following the master slowly. I walk over to the tap dancer, the maid and the butler. "Who's that?" The butler answers, "That's the master. Frank-N-Furter." What an odd name, I like it. The tap dancer chimes in, "Yea, if you get close to him, you can call him Frankie!" The maid interrupts, "Master, Frank-N-Furter, or just Frank is fine." "Oh ok." I say as I'm still captivated by his energy.

By the time we finish our conversation, Frank is at the top of the stage. He says, "I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover!" And he threw his cape off, exposing his actual outfit. He's wearing lingerie, mostly known for women, but damn, does he make it work. Bits of his outfit are torn, but it makes the outfit have a different vibe. He's wearing torn fishnets and heels. His outfit makes him look so confident, I know compared to my sister, I appear to be more confident, but it's all an act. With Frank, you can tell his confidence is genuine. I want that.

I was still near the tap dancer, maid, and butler. Frank started strutting down the stairs and advancing towards Brad and Janet. I was standing on the outer edge of the crowd. When Frank passed by, the energy he held was intoxicating. Frank somehow forces Brad and Janet back into the room, but then again, they were never really the kind to stand up for themselves, don't get me wrong, they did have their moments, but it was very rare.

"I-I'm gonna go." I told the people I was with as I rushed towards Janet's side. Frank was getting some water. Brad was trying to talk to him while Frank greeted his guests. "I'm glad we caught you at home... uh, can we use your phone, you see we're in a bit of a hurry..." "Right!" Frank looked at Janet and then me. It felt like he could see right through me. "I'm not in a hurry, I'd rather stay." Janet nudged me. He raised and lowered his eyebrows as he continued drinking more of his water. Brad resumed, "We'll just say where we are, then go back to the car... we don't want to be any worry." Frank throws his water and turns back to us. "Well you got caught with a flat... well, how 'bout that. Well babies don't you panic." I'm totally not panicking. At least not for what Brad and Janet are worrying about.

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