Chapter 18: Eddie's Teddy

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I don't know the way to the dining room, so I follow Frank the whole way. We make it to a pair of doors. Magenta and Riff Raff standing outside. "I see you found the missing guest." Riff Raff says with a sly smile appearing on his face. Frank and I look at each other for a second. "Yes. Are the others in there?" "Yes master, they were awaiting your arrival." Magenta says. They open the doors and we walk in. Frank sits at the head of the table, Magenta and Riff Raff standing behind him on both sides. There are two empty seats, beside Frank. One next to Janet and the other next to Columbia. I decide to sit next to Columbia, since I haven't talked to her since the Janet incident. She's wearing blue striped pajamas that look a bit torn and a pair of Mickey ears. As I sit, she quietly asks, "Hey, why are you so late? Did you get lost. Sorry, I should have shown you where this place was." I whisper back to her, "Oh. Haha, yes, I did. And don't worry, it's fine! I -um- stubbled into Frank and I followed him." She looks back at me questioningly, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem nervous..." "Yeah! I'm fine!"

Magenta and Riff Raff wheel in the cart of food. They pass the electric knife to Frank. He cuts slices of the meat as Riff Raff is pouring some wine for all of us, Magenta giving napkins. Frank finishes and clears his throat. He lifts up his glass, "A toast." We all pick up our glasses and raise them up a bit. "To absent friends." We all repeat it and take a sip of our wine. "Now. Rocky." We all nervously look at Rocky. Frank puts on a party hat. He starts singing, "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Rocky." We're all still singing along as he abruptly stops. "Shall we?" He sits and we start eating. Rocky is just eating with his hands till Columbia tells him something. Dr. Scott looks up from his plate, "We came here to discuss Eddie." Columbia looks shocked, "EDDIE?" Crap, I forgot that her and Eddie had something going on, so much has happened, it slipped my mind. Frank silenced her with a buzz of the electric knife. He goes back to eating, "That's a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone?" Columbia and I look at each other, the same thought running through our heads, we stop eating and I take a drink of my wine. Columbia hesitantly stands up. "Excuse me." she says quietly. She rushes towards the door, once she leaves, we hear a loud scream. I want to go and check on her, but I don't want to seem rude by leaving. Dr. Scott turns to Brad and Janet and loudly whispers, "I knew he was in with a bad crowd, but it's worse than I imagined..." He turns to face everyone at the table, "...ALIENS!" "DR. SCOTT!" Brad, Janet, and Rocky gasp. I look at Frank confused. Frank gives an unphased look. "Go on Dr. Scott. Or should I say, Doctor von Scott!" Why didn't he deny Dr. Scott's allegations, are they really aliens? Brad exclaims, "Just what exactly are you implying?" "IT'S ALRIGHT!" "But Dr. Scott!" "It's alright, Brad."

Dr. Scott goes on to talk about Eddie. He pulls out a piece of paper. He says it was a letter sent to him by Eddie to warn him. Everyone except Frank and I gather around, "What's it say? What's it say?!" He read out the letter, "I'm out of my head. Oh, hurry, or I may be dead! They mustn't carry out their evil deeds!" I look at Frank, he doesn't even look concerned or anything, he has this mischievous smile. He gets up from his chair and grabs a hold of the tablecloth. He pulls it making everything on the table fall, exposing what was actually under the table. There it is. Eddie's body. Mostly dismembered. Everyone's screaming, except Frank, Riff Raff, and Magenta. I see Frank fall to the chair in the corner.

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