Chapter 7: Hard to get

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4th January, 2014
Dear Diary, it's me again it's been a while
since I last wrote I'll be honest I've been distracted. We moved to a new place called 'Ashdene Ridge' it's a little bigger than elm tree was. It's a fresh start for me as well, it helps not being haunted by memories.
I'm a gang member again, and I'm now seventeen. Ryan is still hell bent on 'Bringing me down' he wishes, so far it's ten nil to me and nil to Ryan. I'm untouchable, you'd think he'd got that by now.
Oh, Tracy and Gina left and now it's just Mike and Gina's replacement, May-Li who is totally awesome by the way. Elektra left also, she offered me to come but I'd rather stay here for a while until I find a place. Like I'm going to leave when I have a new enemy, but why am I attracted to him? I don't know. My head has ran its course and now I'm fuelled by adrenaline and numbness. Oh, happy new year.
Yours Truly, Chloe Stone x
I shut my diary and got on with getting myself ready, I kept the black hair as I liked it. And I've been wearing more leather, It makes Ryan sweat which is always enjoyable. He pretends to 'hate' me but I know he's attracted to me, he has been since he got here. Which is understandable considering I am hot, oh and did I mention? I no longer care if people mention Liam. He's gone, he never bothered calling or even writing a letter so screw him.
Two can play that game, he's probably screwing a cheerleader or a sappy girl with flowers in her hair and an innocent look.
He's tried the bad girl so I don't blame him if he wants a damsel dressed in a pink dress, anyway I have Ryan to torment. That I enjoy.
After I threw on a black crop top, blue jeans and a leather jacket. Along with my sidekicks, my black boots. I was ready and not forgetting my makeup which will forever be edgy, and my wavy chin length hair. Refusing to be styled but I didn't need a curler so I gave it to Carmen.
I noticed Ryan staring at me as usual, I smiled at him lightly batting my eyes. Seemed to work as he started to blush, like a fool. "Pictures last  whole lot longer Ryan, I bet I'd look good on your bedroom wall" I winked and he laughed
"I think i'll just stick to the posters I already have, I don't want clutter" Ryan hit back and I shrugged "Touché, but your not fooling anybody ry, I know you like me it's clear to see maybe your not as slick as you think" I got close to his face and I felt my heart go off like a bass drum, I kept my poker face and Ryan started to breathe quickly. I may have made him squirm, I left him to it and walked away.
Carmen saw the whole thing, "Chloe, you vixen!" I smugly smiled and said "Well, this vixen is just getting started, for someone so annoying and DO NOT! Tell a soul but Ryan is actually hot" and Carmen's mouth opened as wide as the pearly gates. "You think he's hot?" She said loudly And I hushed her, "Carmen!" And Ryan looked over, and I said "Stare at me one more time, and your eyes will end up a thing of the past" I threatened and he came over, "Chloe, stop denying it, you like me too" and I scoffed "Don't flatter yourself" I walked out a little flustered, Chloe get yourself together!.
I decided to go out, it was getting too hot. "Mike? Can I go out?" I asked and he nodded and he noticed I was flustered "Are you okay Chloe? You seem flustered" and May-Li stuck up for me, "Mike, I'm pretty sure she's okay" May-Li had become my agony aunt, Tracy was still in touch and I called her but May-Li helped me a lot. "Actually before I go, May-Li is it okay to talk to you?" Mike left the room and I sat at his desk, "It's Ryan isn't it?" And I looked at her shocked "Are you psychic?" And she laughed "I may be but I know when someone is crushing on someone, it's okay to move on Chloe" I knew what she meant, I still loved Liam but maybe I've given up waiting and what if this is it? Maybe I need to move on but is Ryan really a wise choice. He's not exactly a good guy, he's quite nasty but maybe I'm the same. "I know, and I knew sometime I would but I'm not sure if Ryan is a wise choice, you know and I do he's not exactly Prince Charming in that respect. He has his flaws but so I do, I'm no angel"
Ryan's POV
I listened to the conversation, Chloe thinks we're the same? She's better than me and that's a fact but she's also calculating sometimes and she has a way with words. But I can't shake her, I knew she'd be my downfall no matter how much I tried to push her away from my mind or resist her charms. I guess I'm not as hard faced as I seem, every villain has a weakness and I guess mine was her.
She makes me look like a peasant, I listened more and I could not believe what she said.
"I don't know but, your right I do like him and I'm a fool for even looking but I guess my head and heart is screaming at me to go for it but I'm not that easy May-Li, I still love Liam I always will but he's gone and I guess moving on is my best option.
But, I'm not one to give in easily, I'm stubborn. If Ryan truly likes me, he'll have to simmer down the evil Bond villain act and show me the real him" And thats exactly what I'll do, I like a challenge.
Chloe's POV
I left the office and I thought I saw someone, my mind must be playing tricks on me again.
I walked to my room and I found a note,
Garden, Now.
If this was Ryan I had to put on my best poker face and play hard to get, I took a deep breath and walked to the garden. "What do you want Ryan? I have a life and it doesn't evolve around you and your silly games" Nice one Chloe, show him your independence. Ryan smirked "Oh this isn't a game Chloe, I decided to hang up the costume and show you the real Ryan" The poor boy really is silly, "Ryan, I know you listened to my conversation earlier, lesson one, Chloe is not stupid" I pointed out and he accepted defeat "Okay, lesson learnt" I sat down and gently touched his thigh, "So messed up bad girls are your type?" I teased and he said "Well, only you" God help me, I'm never usually weak but Ryan has a way with words.
Something in his voice that reeled you in, almost like a spell. "What's the problem? Can't handle it?" He taunted further and I got up, "No more Ryan, don't play with my emotions as a way of getting what you want. I'm not easily fooled, I may be having therapy but my mind is clear and I'm not stupid I'm smarter than you think. Do not use this to gain points, I have dignity!" I spat and then he gave me a crooked smile, and I stomped my foot "Ugh!" I walked away in frustration and I could hear him laughing. What the hell is happening to me?! I'm loosing it for sure, for now I ignore him. I'm the queen of silent treatment, all I need is headphones and excuses.
I grabbed my phone and plugged in my really loud headphones and played '15 step' from Radiohead which is ironic considering how I am feeling right now.
I walked into the living room and grabbed the book I've been ready which is 'Twilight'.
I've seen the films but they are nothing compared to the books, and that's a hobby I've taken up and reading really does send your mind to a different place. I had my music up loud and head in the book, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I didn't want to look up. Incase it was Ryan trying to get my attention, "Chloe!" Mike shouted, and I took my headphones off relived it was him. "I'm sorry mike, my head was in the supernatural world, what's up?" I asked and he sighed "I can't tell you here, it's Stevie" That's odd he usually calls me, unless he's here.
We went into the office, a police man was there. My heart began to pound and the blood drained from my head to the tips of my toes, "Mike what's going on?" And the Police officer said "Your cousin has been involved in an accident, we think it's connected to his gang involvements and we have it on file that you've been part of said gang and we wanted to know what you know" and I gulped and sat down.
"It's been ages since I left so I can only tell you what I know which isn't a lot, Stevie is like me we are both loud and proud. Sometimes he thinks with his mouth rather than his head, he talks the talk but I don't know what exactly went down so I can't tell you anything helpful if I don't know what happened" I explained.
The officer told me, "Your cousin was drunk and was in a local Irish pub where he and two other men were arguing, we think it's an alcoholic fuelled altercation but considering his gang history we are trying to piece together exactly what may have brought this on" after the police man explained I called Stevie, "Ste! What the hell?!" I spat and I made sure no one especially Ryan was listening. "Relax rover, I got in a fight at the bar, you know I get cocky when I'm angry it's fine" and I sighed with relief "Well, try and stay sober Stevie! You almost blew my cover with the police questioning me, I managed to throw them off the scent" and Stevie praised me "Good one, I promise not to be too public next time" I scoffed. "Over my dead body are you, Stevie Nelson your supposed to be twenty years old and your acting as if I'm twenty and your seventeen" I rolled my eyes and Stevie laughed, "Come and see me, I'm bored in this hospital" and I joked "Awww, no pretty nurses for you to give nightmares to with your ridiculous flirting" and I could see him roll his eyes.
"Your just jealous because your the one they refer to as the funny one and I'm the hot one" He teased and I knew what he meant, we compared ourselves to Chandler and Joey from friends and I definitely felt like Chandler because I have to look after Stevie all the time.
And because I'm sarcastic too, Stevie is the man child with a bad track record of calling girls back after one night with them.
"Well now I know why I'm the Chandler out of us two because I feel responsible for you"
After I had hung up and told him I'll see him tomorrow, I finally went out for a while.
I made sure I told mike and then I turned my music up loud, Ryan was following me and I was still ignoring him. He tapped me and I continued walking and singing like he wasn't there, he pulled out an earphone "You can't ignore me forever Chloe, come on stop playing hard to get" He gave me a pleading look and I didn't reply, I put the earphone back in and walked out the door.
I went to visit Stevie and he seemed his old self only bruised and with a broken left hand, he was as tough as nails. They said he'd be able to go home tomorrow so that put my mind at ease, I got back home and Ryan was still trying to get my attention. I ignored him as planned and went to my room, I laid on my bed music loud.
I was dressed in my top and left my underwear on underneath, I told Mike I'd get an early night. I got a call from Harry and I loved hearing his voice, Harry was telling me about how happy he was at his new home.
"Jeff misses you Chloe" He told me and I was on the verge of tears, "Well I miss him too Harry and you, I promise you I will visit okay?" I told him and I could picture his little smile.
"Yay!" He exclaimed happily and then I said "Goodnight Harry" and he hung up.
I was happy that he was happy, I missed the little boy like mad but he is better off at a new home. The person I was turning into would only frighten him, I didn't want him seeing that.

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