Chapter 6: The Thrill Of The Dark

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We got to the house where we were supposed to deliver the packages in the case strapped to Stevie's motorbike, I got off and lifted the helmet off my head. Stevie looked at me and said "We go in, give him the packages and go. No jokes from you Chloe, we can't afford a fight especially with the head space your in" I nodded sarcastically and said "Yes sir" and he rolled his eyes as we walked up to the door.
The house was bigger than Elm Tree, it was painted white and looked like a mansion. Stevie knocked and a girl about my age opened the door, she must be one of the runners paid with a new phone, designer makeup and a couple of grand in the bank. She tied her hair into a slick ponytail, she had too much makeup on and she wore a Nike tracksuit. "Who are you?" She asked whilst chewing chewing gum, she leans against the like she owns the place.
"The FBI" I answered sarcastically and she pouted "I'll go and get the boss" Her ponytail swished as she turned around, I looked at Stevie and muttered "She's a bit chavvy isn't she?" I commented, and he glared at me "What did I say about jokes?" He said gritting his teeth. I rolled my eyes and said "Oh live a little Stevie!" He sighed and said "Just behave"
Then a guy wearing a leather jacket, steel capped boots, jeans and he had a gold tooth. He looked about Bone's age but he had brown hair slicked back.
He came to the door and said "Stevie, and a kid" he had a thick east London accent.
And I piped up "Hey! my name is Chloe, not kid" and Stevie held me back as I glared at the guy who just laughed "My apologies, Chloe" I smiled at him as we went inside the house, I didn't see much only a few arcade machines and kids as young as ten. A few happy, one seemed scared. I was one of those kids once, only I didn't need new clothes or boots. Bone said no kid has ever had the bottle to talk back to him, he liked that I showed no fear or weakness. A random grime song was playing in the background, not my style I'll admit.
I still live up to the reputation I once displayed to him, we walked into what seemed to be his office and he had two other guys standing either side of the door.
"Is she having a laugh? Does she know where she is Stevie?" One of them mocked and the other laughed, "Let me guess, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? Hi, I'm Chloe Stone and if you know what's good for you. Shut your mouth"
I said glaring and Stevie backed me up "I wouldn't if I were you boys, she may be sixteen but she's braver than both of you skinny planks put together" and then their boss said "Alright, let's not cause any trouble, both of you out and Stevie, tell your sidekick to hold her tongue" and I laughed "And I'll hold my patience".
We handed him what we originally planned to do, before I got in a slanging match with those two guys. "Bone always does deliver, I've got the money" he handed Stevie a brown envelope that looked like there must be more that a grand wedged in there. Stevie stowed it away in his pocket and we left, I could feel a Stevie styled lecture coming as we left the house.
"Chloe, what did I say? No jokes and you mouthing off could've got me into a lot of bother! I get your going through stuff but don't bring it here where it could get you killed!" Stevie said in an angered and cold tone.
I snapped "Oh so you were just going to stand there like a wet blanket and say nothing whilst they took pot shots at me?! Thanks a lot ste"
I walked off down the road and Stevie caught me up, "Chloe, I'm sorry for snapping okay?" I scoffed "You still don't get do you? I'm a mess, Mike thinks a shrink is going to solve all my problems and on top of that I've got the new kid thinking he's something special and he reckons he has something on me. I'm dealing with it my own way ste"
After that I went home, I was just in time for dinner and I shopped for some new clothes so I could cover my tracks. And get Ryan off the scent, I brought a couple of shirts and some new boots. I also brought hair dye, I know what your thinking I've had about twenty colours already. I decided to go black this time.
I got home and I was welcomed by mike, "Someone's been around town I see" He commented noticing my bags, I smiled "I prefer to call it retail therapy, and I met Stevie and before you panic he was only checking on me" I explained and Mike said "I trust him Chloe and I trust you, but be careful" and I nodded. Ryan was there ready to interrogate me no doubt, I smiled smugly as I approached him. "See Ryan, I told you so, I'm untouchable" I heard him growl under his breath as I walked away as smug as a millionaire living in a run down town.
Ryan? Who?

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