Chapter 43: Packing up memories

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I couldn't believe it, in just two days I was leaving this place. The house I began my teenage years at and now I'm an adult, I never thought I'd be moving in with Liam. If someone told me this two years ago when he left, I wouldn't believe them. Mike saw me packing my stuff in my room, Liam claimed to be busy with college work but I knew he was dodging it. It's fine for me, I like to organise it myself. "I thought you wouldn't leave until you were thirty" Mike joked from behind me and I laughed "I'll be honest, I thought I'd grow old here" I replied as I placed my clothes in a box, then I saw the picture book Tee made me for my birthday just gone. It was labelled 'Chloe's TDG Journey' I sat down and looked through it with mike. The first page was silly photos of me messing around in the kitchen whilst I was cleaning, the first week I spent at Elm Tree House that was. "I'll definitely miss the place being clean" Mike said and I shrugged "You could hire me to clean the place" I joked and he shook his head "I'll find a way of bribing them"
I turned another page and it was all the photos of me and liam, the sticky note in the corner read.
'Love at first smile, Liam and Chloe were like Romeo and Juliet. Only Chloe wasn't as pure as Juliet, and Liam was definitely not a good boy like Romeo. But both of them gelled together like glue, like two lobsters when there old holding each other's claws' "Carmen wrote that" Mike told me and I scoffed "Wow, who would've thought she'd have poetic skills" I was beginning to tear up when I looked at the photos, all of my best memories. Most with Liam but with the others too, each of them wrote me a note.
Chloe, you've lit up the dumping ground like a fire and it's definitely fitting with the fire you have. Telling jokes from day one and making all the boys dream of you, but only one boy was able to be the Peter to your Wendy. You and Liam taught me a lot about love, and I know your just kids but it's like your both forty five. I hope I'll get an invite to the wedding, and don't ever lose that drive and feistiness. We need more girls like you Chloe Stone.
Now bog off!, Tracy Beaker
I cried as I gasped "Tracy, wow I wasn't expecting that. I miss her like crazy" I said and then I read the next one, which was from Frank.
What can I say about you Chloe? Your like the sister I always wanted, the friend who will always listen to you and make you smile. Before you Liam was just well, Liam but more grumpy. As soon as you walked in that door and made a joke, you had his whole heart. I want to thank you for that and for being someone to talk to and the loudest mouth since Tracy Beaker, I hope to see you soon.
From, Frank.
Oh boy, here's another one.
Chloe Stone, you have definitely changed the DG forever. With your heart, humour, temper and your cleaning habits. But to me your like a sister, a friend and sometimes a mother.
You always had the time for me, helping me and Johnny patch up and giving us a break from all the chores. Johnny had a hard time getting used to not doing it all but he was thankful. Thank you for giving me the confidence to be the headstrong person I know I can be, and for handing over your advice of ask no questions just punch them right in the mouth. But I'll miss you so much, and Liam too but I know you'll both live happily ever after. As cliche as it is, you'll both be happy.
Love always, Tee.
"Don't worry, my lips are sealed" Liam said noticing me balling my eyes out from behind and mike left us to it, "Oh Liam, these messages are making it so hard"
I told him and he smiled "I know, you've still got a few to read. Do you want me to read them?" Liam offered and I shook my head as I wiped my tears, "No, I'll do it"
Chloe Stone, you are queen bee! My inspiration to be the loudest and proudest princess I can be. The girl who doesn't care what anyone says about her, and the girl who saved my life at a place of hell.
I'll miss the smell of bleach and hair dye, along with your beautiful personality and my best friend. I hope you and Liam have the best years together and I want to be maid of honour at the wedding! Don't let them knock the crown, you'll always be the queen.
Love, Carmen.
"Elektra?! I thought she hated you" Liam was stunned, "We kind of patched things up when you left, she became a good friend of mine"
I told him. He scoffed "Well, don't expect us to get along if you decide to bring her over" I rolled my eyes and read her note.
Chloe, we didn't have the best starts. I met your slap before I met you, I'm sorry for not trying hard enough with you but I'm glad we eventually became friends. Your the one who's always looked out for all of us even when I didn't deserve it you still fought of my old gang. For that I'll always be grateful, I hope one day you'll let me borrow your Stevie Nicks record. And let me borrow your bike,
From one tough girl to another. Stay lippy,

Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. Where do I begin with you? You've had some ups and downs, but your a force to be reckoned with. When I saw you step out of that car, I knew you'd be something special and believe me. You proved us all right, through all your jokes, OCD and your temper. We've learned to love you and appreciate all you've done, watching you grow has been a privilege. I'll always think of you as one of my own, your like a daughter to me. Another Irish fellow and I couldn't be more prouder of you, it won't be the same without you but the door is always open.
From, Mike.
I had no words, everyone had spent time making this for me. All the words they wrote and the time they spent on this, made me realise the impact I had on this place. I still had three more one from Sapphire, Harry and even Johnny.
Chloe Stone, don't go changing will you? I speak on behalf of every boy in the DG when I say, well all had a crush on you at some point. And your the hottest girl I've ever lived with.

Sorry Liam, but he's the right guy for you. Both of you are loud, lippy and always look out for us. I'm going to miss your singing and sparing me the job of cleaning the place with Tee and teaching me to calm down and being the best friend all of us can have. Your strength has brushed off on all of us, you could say we've all used one of your one liners. Don't be a stranger okay?
Liam is a lucky guy and I won't risk getting another fat lip from him, I just want to say. I'll miss you Chloe.
From, Johnny.
"Okay, I'll let him off" Liam sighed and I laughed "Your the only one I love Liam, you have nothing to worry about. It's not my fault I'm so hot and irresistible" I teased and I read sapphire's note.
Girl, you've proven to be baddest boss in this house. Also like a little sister to me, your braver than most girls I've met. Sometimes braver than me, I love the way you handle everything life throws at you. You do it with a smile, a joke and maybe a punch. But I'm so proud of how far you've come, and of Liam too. I know you two will be so happy together, it's a rare thing to fall in love at a young age.
But you two are different to most couples, your the Bonnie to his Clyde. I want to decorate your flat and be there when you make the headline at the O2,
Stay true to yourself girl. Love Saphh.
Harry's one was the last one,
Chloe, your the best friend I've ever had. You taught me to be brave and taught me a few tricks along the way, telling me to always use my imagination and dream big. Apart from sapphire, your like a mum to me. I hope one day we'll see each other again and tell Liam I said to look after you, I'll always be glad we got to meet.
Forever your little robin,
I shut the book and Liam hugged me, I cried like an idiot but I'll miss this place. And everyone here, but I knew I had the love of my life joining me too. "Want to help me pack Liam?" I sniffed as I looked up from his now tear stained grey jumper, he smiled his Liam smile. "I'm right behind you baby"....

(This one was short, the next one is longer and the last one 🥺)

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