Chapter 21: Too much

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We got to the bar and so far Ryan didn't seem to notice the serpents, "Lucky's bar? How generic" Ryan said noticing the four leaved clover with the name written in the middle.
"It's an Irish bar, what did you expect? Leprechauns are us?" I joked and that made him laugh.
We walked in and Stevie greeted me, "Look who finally made it!" I hugged him and then he noticed Ryan who was as nervous as turkey is once December comes around, "Who's this Chloe?" Stevie asked and I smiled "This is my friend Ryan" I introduced him and Stevie said "Oh, your over that Liam boy then?" And I rolled my eyes "I swear if I hear that name one more time I'll have his head on a mantle piece" I snarled and Stevie asked "Rover? What's wrong" and I said "I've seen him again, he just so happens to go to my college. At first I was so happy to see him but since then, it's been one hell of a drama" I didn't really want to talk about it, "What's he done?" Stevie pressed. "Lied to me, made me look like a fool" I said quickly and Stevie's face turned red to purple and back to red again, oh no this isn't good. "I. Will. Murder. Him" Stevie seethed and I grabbed his wrist, "Stevie, calm down it's fine. I can handle it, I don't need you getting involved okay?" I said looking into his eyes, they only became bright green and bloodshot when he was angry. I knew how to calm him down, I was the only one who could. "I swear to god Chloe, if I see him I'll wrap that stupid guitar of his round his neck!" Stevie snarled and I shouted "You will do no such thing! I may be angry at him but don't you dare touch him! Ever!" Stevie took a deep breath and calmed down slowly, "I'm sorry Chloe, I just hate seeing you hurt. You've been through hell this past year and I liked Liam a lot but now, not so much" Stevie said and I sighed "What's done is ste, I'm grateful for you looking out for me but I'm a big girl now. I can do it myself, but enough about him. Why don't you and Ryan bond whilst I go and deal with something, remember to make my coke Irish" I patted his shoulder and he smiled "I'm proud of you" I laughed "Okay, Stevie let's not get soppy now" Ryan pulled me aside before I left, "Your not seriously leaving me here with him are you?" I kissed his cheek and said "Once Stevie has a sip of whisky it will all be forgotten, don't worry about him. I'll be two seconds okay?" Ryan nodded and I left him to it. Hopefully I'll come back and Ryan isn't all over the bar.
Ryan's POV
I'll have to say, Chloe looks like a little cub compared to her cousin. They had a lot in common, they were both jokers and strong willed. I can see where she gets her humour from, I sat at the bar awkwardly. Fiddling with a beer mat as I waited and prayed Chloe would come back and save me, then Stevie handed me a drink. "Sorry if I've scared ya, I get protective when it comes to that girl. She's a handful isn't she?" Stevie said smiling and I laughed "You can say that again" I took a sip of the drink he gave me and I could taste the bitterness from the whisky, Chloe wasn't lying when she said he'll make our drinks Irish. "I'll start over, I'm Stevie, Chloe's cousin. I'm the one they refer to as the hot one and rover as the funny one" Stevie joked and I thought to myself, "Chloe's both hot and funny"
I replied "I can see where she gets her humour from, she tells me you brought her up" Stevie nodded "I taught that girl every thing she knows, her mother wasn't there for her and I told her many a time to step up and she didn't listen, but I was the only one Chloe had after my mum died. I took her to school even though I was a little lad myself but I had to grow up, my mum was suffering from motor neurone disease and she got worse as I grew up. I helped her out a lot, I was her rock my dad was an alcoholic, he drunk himself stupid and left my mum on her own with me most days and nights. Growing up was hard, my mum tried to keep herself together for me but she struggled so I had nothing else to do or anyone to turn to, Dixie was too busy partying to care. It's one of the reasons I became a serpent, so I could provide for my mum and get her medication" Stevie told me and I felt so bad for him, I feel stupid for being scared of him.
He continued, "And when Chloe was only eight she died, I made a promise that I'd look after Chloe. She loved her like a daughter, sometimes I wish Chloe was my actual sister. Chloe helped me through the grief and when she was old enough she started to repay the favour, keeping me in line like my mother wanted and telling me what a fool I am" Stevie took another sip and I said "I'm sorry about your mum, it must of been hard. Chloe doesn't talk about her family much, only you" I told him and he smiled. He does the same smirk Chloe does, they could both say their twins and no one would question it. The more I heard about Chloe's life and what she had to go through, only made me more desperate to protect her even if she didn't need it. I was jealous of Liam in some ways, despite everything Chloe still loved him blindly.
Liam could be better for her but he hasn't been there the past year, he didn't see what I see when I first moved to the dumping ground. I saw a broken angel, she was thinner and her face seemed thin too. Chloe had dark rings around her beautiful blue eyes, they had clouded her true beauty. Her skin was pale, her cheek bones were visible. Chloe would wince every time she was reminded of liam, or if someone mentioned him. The girl was torn apart, but she still managed to get up and try her hardest. I saw it in her eyes, I still do.
It's impossible not to fall for her, I practically fell for her when I laid eyes on her. Underneath all the roughness and all our disagreements, I can see a girl who could change me. In fact she already has, I just wish she could see what I can see or feel a little of what I do. But no one can replace her Liam, no matter how much she might even have the slightest love for me.
She will always love him and I can't do a thing about it, it cut me deep. I wish I could do something, but I'll only upset her and possibly loose her. I can't bear the thought of losing her.
"I see you survived" Chloe joked from behind me, smiling her beautiful smile. "Well, me and Stevie get on don't we?" I said smiling, it was hard not to smile when she did. I'd do anything for her if she asked me, and that's the dangerous thing about it. "Ryan is an okay kid" Stevie said and Chloe took a sip of her drink, and she smiled at me. That smile told me everything will be okay.
Chloe's POV
"I'll have another, if you'll be so kind bar man" I had finished my fifth drink and I was getting served, I dressed and looked older than my actual age. He passed me a shot, I knocked it back without tasting it.
I was beginning to feel my head spin, I was sure the walls were dancing. But I felt good, and there was a buzz.
Ryan hadn't drunk much alcohol and I'm sure Stevie was keeping sober to keep an eye on me.
"Chloe, you've had enough. Come on, Mike will be worried" Ryan tried to get my jacket back on and I shrugged it off, "Oh come on! Since when were you a buzz kill?" I groaned and Stevie stepped in "Rover, I shouldn't have let you drink but you've had too much, let's get you home" Stevie agreed with Ryan and I laughed at them both.
"I'm having fun, for once I feel goooood" I took another shot and began to dance on the bar, I danced like an idiot. Luckily I wasn't wearing heels, "Chloe, get down" Ryan said and I smiled at him playfully, "Wanna make me pretty boy?" I carried on dancing and shouted "I don't care! I love it!" I sang along to the song as I grabbed a bottle of wine from the bar, I danced and drank it.
"Chloe! I won't tell you again!" Stevie commanded and I stomped my foot like a kid. "Stevie! I thought you were the fun one, it proves my point! Your an old fart and I'm the fun one now!" I laughed and Ryan came up on the bar and grabbed the wine bottle out of my hand, "Chloe, home, now" I looked into his eyes and I said "Ryan, your, no, fun!" I said imitating him and I almost fell off the bar and Ryan caught me, "Come on" he said helping me down. "No fair!" I groaned as Stevie put my jacket on my back, they dragged me out of the bar. The air hit me and I began to feel sick, "Two seconds boys" I said as I threw up in the alley beside the bar. "Thanks Ryan, for staying sober with me" I heard Stevie say.
"Will you two stop gossiping! I'm the drunken mess here!" I shouted and I was stumbling around like an old lady without her walking frame, the road seemed like it was bouncing.
Stevie drove us home and Ryan helped me out, by then I was singing 'Irish Rover' in a slurred voice. Stevie couldn't help but laugh, Ryan laughed a little. "Mike is going to kill us" Ryan said as we approached the door and I replied "It will be fine, mikey boy is a jolly man! He loves me!" I sounded too hopeful. I was drunk and I didn't know what day it was, Ryan was worried. Mike's eyes widened as we walked in, "Honey! I'm hoooome!!" I shouted proudly as I began to laugh. Mike's face turned red "Have you been drinking?!" And I shook my head, "I don't know mum, have I?" I said sarcastically and Ryan began apologising. "I'm so sorry Mike, we went to Stevie's bar and she got served there and drank too much, we tried to stop her but you know what she's like" Mike was still angry, "Ryan! I can't believe you even stepped foot in a bar, your only sixteen! And Stevie should've been more responsible".
"Hey! That's my cousin you are talking about baldy!" I stumbled again and fell to the floor like a complete idiot. "May-Li, get her in the kitchen" Mike said and may-li helped me up, Carmen did too.
"Oh Chloe, what did you do?" Carmen said sympathetically, and I sighed "I had fun, that's what I did but now eeeveryybody is acting like I shot the bloody prime minister!" May-Li handed me a glass of water and some pills, "Seriously Chloe, what was you thinking huh?" May-Li hugged me and I wasn't so happy anymore. My emotions were everywhere, "I just wanted to have fun and forget Liam and everything that's happened to me! I just wanted to feel good for once, I just wanted to have fun" I explained and I slumped my head on the table. Mike came in, "Chloe, when your sober you've got some explaining to do. Your lucky Ryan and Stevie were sober enough to bring you home, I'm disappointed in you" Mike said in a serious tone, "Oh yeah, here we go. The whole speech on why having fun is forbidden and a deadly sin! I'm doing what you wanted me to do mike, I was having fun! Do you want me to be a zombie again?!" I screamed and mike said "Chloe, I just want you to be safe that's all and think of the others. They all look up to you, getting drunk is not setting a good example. I can understand you having a good time, your seventeen and I guess your almost at the age where you can make your own decisions. But whilst your here, your in my care and I have to be hard on you sometimes" Mike hugged me and I said "I'm sorry mike" and then Ryan came in with a kebab. I was dying for one, "Thanks Ry" I said smiling. I ate it like a pig but I was still too drunk to care, I was finished and I was full.
I could feel myself falling asleep, but what I did next was too far. "Ryan, sit here" I patted my lap and bit my lip, flirting whilst your drunk isn't such a good idea. I made myself look like a fool, "Chloe, your drunk and you need to get some sleep" Ryan was considering it, I could tell and I huffed "You wanted a piece, here you go! I'm all yours baaaaby!" I was definitely acting like a fool now, Ryan was respecting me and he didn't take any notice.
I passed out before I could carry on, I was pretty sure Ryan took me upstairs. I don't remember the rest.

  Whilst you were gone..  ('The Irish Girl' Sequel) (DG fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now