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— chapter two: a normal monday morning —

getting woken up by his alarm, donghyuck groaned. at least he quickly got out of bed as he had more than enough sleep this night. he went to have a quick shower and breakfast before squeezing himself into an uncomfortable suit.

another thing he hated about his job, the dress code. who the hell decided it would be a good idea to wear something so formal every day?

as usual one of his drivers was already waiting for him so he just hopped into the expensive looking car. his father had insisted that donghyuck would get picked up as apparently it was 'safer than with the train'. donghyuck had rolled his eyes at this because he loved being in the public and watching other people but he really had no chance against his father so he had complied once again.

"sir?" his driver asked. donghyuck had never bothered to learn any names. he sighed in annoyance and asked "yes? what is it?"

"i have instructions to guard you until we arrive at your office room. i hope you can understand." the man in the front seat said with a neutral tone.

donghyuck rolled his eyes and leaned forward a bit to get a better look at the driver. the man was just a bit older than him as he did not only look young but also radiated fresh energy and charisma.

"who told you to do so? who instructed you?" donghyuck interrogated the man, trying to intimidate him. but the latter didn't seem to care and just replied "your father did."

the younger growled and sat back. of course his father did. who else would? it was just so annoying how he always seemed to interfere in donghyuck's life, treating him as he was his puppet. but donghyuck couldn't do anything about it, he was bound to him as he was not only his father but also the man who paid donghyuck's apartment and got him his current job. the first was very much welcomed by donghyuck, the second not so much.

the rest of the drive was silent. donghyuck just stared out the windows, tapping the melody of 'man in the mirror' on the darkened windows of the car.

they arrived soon and as he had said, the driver joined donghyuck in walking to his office. on the way, he saw his secretary who looked a bit scared and didn't wish him a good morning as usual. even though, a bit strange donghyuck didn't think about it much.

he opened up the door to his office but suddenly stood still as he saw two men already standing in the small room. they both leaned onto donghyuck's desk. the latter cleared his throat and looked at the two men in confusion.

"uhm, hello." he said and immediately regretted doing so. his voice had sounded weak and that was not really what he should be going for.

with more confidence and a tone of arrogance he said "i'm the ceo of lee enterprises and you are?"

"someone with a gun so shut the fuck up." one of the men said and actually pulled out a gun from his pocket. donghyuck heard the door click behind him and turned around. his driver had just locked the door.

even though internally donghyuck was high-key panicking, he kept cool on the outside. he turned back to the two men who were still standing still.

"what's going on?" he asked. the one man mumbled something in a language donghyuck couldn't understand but identified as english. the same man then walked up to donghyuck and pulled him with him to sit him down in the chair.

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