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— chapter three: headaches and new friends —

as donghyuck opened his eyes, a bright light blinded him. he blinked a few times, trying to adjust his eyes to the new environment. he was laying on a comfortable couch, two men sitting near him.

one man he recognised. it was jungwoo who he had been introduced to earlier by taeyong. how much earlier he couldn't tell. his head still hurt a lot so his ability to recall memories was a bit restricted.

"hello mr. lee." a soft voice greeted him. he turned his head to see another man sitting next to jungwoo on an armchair. he had silver hair which somehow made him look older than he probably was. it suited him nonetheless, donghyuck thought.

"where am i?" he asked. his voice came out slightly weak and he looked down embarrassed.

"you're in the headquarters of the nct mafia. do you remember what taeyong told you?" the man with the sliver hair replied.

"yeah, i'm in risk of getting assassinated and the mafia is protecting me." donghyuck said. he rubbed his eyes and quietly snickered to himself 'not a sentence i would've thought i would ever say in my life.'

"that's correct. the stuff you got knocked out with hit you pretty hard so try to not move too much." silver head said with an assuring smile. donghyuck hummed and leaned back so his head hit the back of the couch.

"by the way, my name is qian kun. nice to meet you, i'll check up on you in a few hours to see if you're okay." kun said and stood up. he gave jungwoo a curt nod before disappearing in one of the house's hallways.

"how are you feeling?" jungwoo asked with a soft voice.

"my head hurts." donghyuck grumbled, massaging his temples.

"do you want to have some water?" the tall male asked and donghyuck nodded his head.

now that water had been mentioned he realised how much his throat was burning. what the hell did they use to knock him out? because it sure was strong as fuck.

jungwoo returned quickly, a glass of water in his hand. donghyuck took it gratefully and drowned it in one go. jungwoo chuckled as he watched him.

"thank you." donghyuck mumbled. jungwoo smiled and said "you're welcome. if you want to you can call me hyung."

"okay, jungwoo-hyung." donghyuck said, testing the sound of the word.

honestly when he looked at the older man he couldn't imagine him to be part of a violent mafia. it just wouldn't fit into his head, how the man could carry a gun and commit crimes as he was standing in front of him with a cute outfit. jungwoo was wearing black jeans, a white shirt and a pink denim jacket. it suited him well.

"are you really part of the mafia?" donghyuck asked with big eyes. the other looked at him and smiled "yes, i am."

"i can't imagine that." donghyuck stated.

"i get that a lot." jungwoo giggled, the sound sounding so soft that again, donghyuck had struggle understanding how a man like this could be in the mafia.

donghyuck would have loved to ask by who else he heard this but he felt as he could maybe be going too far with that question so instead he asked "for how long was i gone?"

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