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— chapter twenty two: mark is back —

tonight donghyuck couldn't wait to go asleep. knowing that tomorrow he would get to see mark again just made him want time to pass by as fast as possible.

but just before he went to bed jeno and renjun called him. donghyuck tilted their head in confusion and worry as the two looked at him in seriousness.

"why are you two like that? it's scaring me?" he asked, looking into their poker faces.

"remember this afternoon when we said we had news too? well, we're leaving this place again." jeno answered.

"no!" donghyuck exclaimed, staring at the two stunned.

"yeah." renjun said "we have go get back to uni since exams will be soon. we can't expect taeyong to allow us here forever especially now that there's no danger anymore."

donghyuck started tearing up and hugged the two who returned the hug. all three of them had shimmering eyes. renjun giggled and asked "why are we acting like this?" while wiping one tear of his cheek.

"nothing will change, it'll be just like it used to. we can still meet and everything. we're just really being dramatic." he cried out while jeno was giving him little pecks. suddenly a new person entered the room. the three turned around to see jaemin. as soon as the young man had spotted the tears on renjun's cheeks he ran up to them. he started babying renjun, asking him why he was crying and if everything was okay.

"tell him." donghyuck said and quickly hugged renjun and jeno before going through the door. just when he was about to close it he added "and i mean everything. tell him everything."

"what do you mean, hyuck?" a confused jaemin asked but donghyuck jus gave him a smile and closed the door behind him.

not knowing what to do now he decided to go to the living room. only johnny was present, sitting on the couch. he was obviously deep in his thoughts as he didn't notice donghyuck coming until the younger had sat down next to him.

"hello donghyuck." he greeted, not looking at him but keeping eye contact with the window front which showed the beautiful and big garden of the mansion.

"hello hyung. what are you thinking about?" donghyuck asked.

"oh just this and that. why?" johnny replied, finally taking his eyes off the moonlit garden.

"i don't know. you just look very absent. why are you still awake?" donghyuck questioned. johnny sighed and a small silence spread. donghyuck didn't say anything either, just waiting for his hyung's answer. he did however lean onto johnny's shoulder as his tiredness was slowly showing.

"i'm waiting for doyoung. he's on a mission right now with taeyong and lucas. he's currently working in mark's space which means i don't get to see him that much." johnny finally replied after a while.

"are you worried?" donghyuck hummed.

"i always am. i know he knows what to do and he isn't stupid enough to get himself killed but i can be worried, can't i?" johnny explained. donghyuck rubbed his forehead into johnny's side, hiding his little smile.

"of course you can. you like him a lot, don't you?" he inquired. johnny sighed and then joked "is it that obvious?"

donghyuck laughed and said "yes, hyung. it is." johnny shrugged slightly before becoming calm again. he handed donghyuck a blanket which the younger male took gratefully.

"i wish i had someone like doyoung." donghyuck said after a while. his voice was already becoming more hoarsely as he was very tired.

"do you now? what about mark?" johnny asked.

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