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— chapter sixteen: balcony kisses —

as mark was dragging him who knows where, donghyuck's thoughts raced. he and mark had just kissed. like actually. their lips had touched and they had both wanted it. wanted even more than that. what did this mean? why so suddenly?

sure, donghyuck had thought about mark before. one might even call it fantasising. but this was suddenly all so real. but did this mean mark liked him as well? or was at least attracted to him? and if, yes then for how long already. donghyuck's head was buzzing as he desperately tried to find answers to these questions.

since he was mentally so absent, he only realised that mark and him had stopped walking when fresh air hit his exposed skin. he shivered and looked around. the two were standing on a balcony which gave a view of the garden and to the house behind it.

"mark-" donghyuck started but the older male interrupted him "don't say anything." this had donghyuck pouting, especially when he realised that mark wasn't going to say anything either. instead the man was fumbling with his pocket and donghyuck saw a pack of cigarettes.

"so you actually smoke?" he questioned.

"rarely." mark replied, his voice as calm as ever.

"then why now?" donghyuck asked.

"i need to calm down." mark responded and picked out one cigarette. donghyuck looked at him and made a face of disgust.

"and why do you meed to calm down?" he said, watching mark search his pockets for a lighter. the elder looked at him and tilted his head. "isn't it obvious?" he asked and donghyuck shook his head.

mark sighed and took out the cigarette from in between his lips so he could talk freely. "we just kissed, hyuck. and i need to stay calm so i don't kiss you again." he explained.

donghyuck's stomach tingled as mark called him hyuck. only people he was really close to would call him that and to hear it from mark was somehow really satisfying. it felt right.

"i would rather have you kiss me again then you poison your lungs with this nicotine shit." he said quietly but since it was silent around them, mark must've heard it. indeed he stared at donghyuck in surprise.

"are you for real?" he asked, this time failing to conceal his excitement. donghyuck nodded and mark instantly threw the cigarette to the ground before taking a big step so that he was now right in front of donghyuck. the latter looked up to him and gulped as he spotted an incredibly attractive smirk on mark's lips.

"look at you. wanting a kiss from me so badly. who would've thought.." mark whispered whilst grabbing donghyuck's waist and pulling him close.

"look at you. literally being so desperate for a kiss that you even throw away your cigarette." donghyuck replied sassily. mark chuckled.

"i would keep going but your lips are waiting for me." he replied and bend down a slight bit so that their lips were finally touching.

it wasn't a kiss like the ones before. this one was slower but more passionate. it exposed the feelings and the desire that had long been hidden underneath a facade of teasing and arguing.

donghyuck gave himself completely into the kiss, submitting to mark without hesitation. the elder was leading the kiss, grabbing donghyuck's waist as if he was drowning and donghyuck was his life saver. only parting to catch their breaths, the two connected their foreheads. donghyuck smiled, his eyes still closed. this was exactly what he wanted. mark's arms holding him, his lips devouring donghyuck's.

as soon as mark had caught his breath, he didn't hesitate to kiss donghyuck again. this time more desperate and needy. mark took a step forward causing donghyuck to take a step back until his back hit the wall. he could feel mark's cold hands creeping under his shirt once again, causing him to get goosebumps. donghyuck's hands meanwhile were grasping mark's jet black hair.

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