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— chapter four: welcome to the nct headquarters —

yangyang was already gone when donghyuck woke up that morning. his stomach was aching out of hunger since he hadn't eaten anything in the last twenty four hours except the bowl of ramen yangyang brought him yesterday.

he didn't know whether he was allowed to go out of the room or not but in the end his hunger won over him andhe tip-toed down the hallway to the room where he had woken up in.

he halted in his actions as he spot someone sitting on the couch. two men, busy conversing. he recognised the voices as taeyong's and kun's. as quietly as possible he sneaked to the entrance. luckily both men were standing with their backs to him.

"is this really necessary? i really need you here." taeyong said. kun tilted his head and with a small smile explained "well, i've tried it on mr. lee and he had headaches for the whole day. if we want to improve it, you'll have to get us back to the actual lab. the one here you can barely even call one." donghyuck's ears perked up as the mention of a mr. lee. did kun mean him?

"but it's dangerous. and what about yangyang? he told us, he's close with mr. lee. do you really think he's going to come with you knowing he would lose a potential new friends here? you know how he is." taeyong noted.

"maybe he could stay here? i don't know how close they actually are but i'd happy if they get along. he told me he misses hendery and xiaojun a lot." kun said, slightly turning his body.

mirroring his actions taeyong said "i don't know. china is far and you know how unstable the communication can be at times."

"i need time to experiment, hyung. maybe next time we won't have as much luck as we had with mr. lee. maybe next time we kill instead of knocking out." kun said in a very serious tone.

seeing as the two moved, donghyuck took a step back, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping. suddenly he heard a noise behind him and turned around. there was mark, looking like he just partied through the night. his black hair was tousled messily, he had dark bags under his eyes and a black leather jacket hung over his shoulders. donghyuck had to admit he looked really good.

"what are you doing?" he asked donghyuck sceptically.

"searching for the kitchen." donghyuck whispered, not wanting to get caught by taeyong and kun but it was too late already.

"mark! mr. lee! i hope you've slept well?" taeyong asked. mark scoffed and taeyong looked at him "i know you haven't."

donghyuck really wanted to ask when kun pulled mark to the side, quietly asking him something but he decided not to and instead answered taeyong "i slept amazing. took me a while to fall asleep though."

taeyong chuckled and leaded him through the room. he opened a glass door which donghyuck hadn't noticed before and there was a beautiful kitchen. slightly messy but beautiful nonetheless, furnished completely in white. it was a big contrast to taeyong's and donghyuck's clothes which were both pitch black.

"i bet you're hungry." taeyong said and pulled out some bread to put it in the toaster.

"yes, very." donghyuck replied and on cue his stomach grumbled. a grin tucked at taeyong's lips. donghyuck mustered him up and down. like with jungwoo, he couldn't imagine the man to be a criminal, especially not the leader of a mafia, the nct mafia to be exact.

while the bread was getting toasted, taeyong sat down on a barstool next to the counters and motioned for donghyuck to do the same. the two were joined seconds after by kun and mark. the latter had taken off his leather jacket, exposing black shirt which was just tight enough for donghyuck to see the muscles of his torso and chest.

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