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— chapter twenty: family —

donghyuck's phone rang before he could even reach the mansion which had been his destination. he already knew it was his father so he didn't pick up until he left the car.

"hello." he said cooly once he answered it.

"lee donghyuck, what do you think you're doing?" his father hissed on the other side of the line.

"what do you mean?" donghyuck asked. in fact, he knew exactly what his father meant but he wouldn't play this game anymore. he was done with his father and the his old life which his father had burdened him with.

"i mean, you just ended your apartment contract. the secretary lady called me about it. where are you living now?" his father yelled. donghyuck put the phone a bit away from his ear as the loud voice hurt his ear drums.

"why is it any of your business where i live? oh right, it isn't." donghyuck snapped.

"lee donghyuck, i gave you this beautiful life and i can take it just as fast. watch me." his father threatened but donghyuck wasn't impressed at all.

"do it, i really don't care. i don't need you anymore, i made myself my own beautiful life." donghyuck replied, walking up the way to the door of chenle's mansion. he didn't ring the bell yet though, he first wanted to finish this conversation.

"fine. but i'm not stupid. i know you're choosing these criminals over me." his father said, again raising his voice.

"yeah, because they're more my family than you have ever been. even mom barely cares about me and don't even get me started on you. all you saw in me was a puppet you could raise into being your little business man. well guess what, it worked and now i am the ceo while you can't do shit against it." donghyuck ranted. it felt good to say out loud what he had been bottling up over years.

"so that's your last word? you know you can't come back to me right?" the elder man asked.

"bold of you to assume i would want to. i would choose nct over you any day. they saved my life." donghyuck replied.

"bye." he added and then hung up. he hoped that these would be the last words he would ever have to speak to his father. that asshole could go to hell for all he cared for.

all of the sudden the door opened and kun almost ran right into donghyuck. the chinese man looked up and did a double take. then he gave donghyuck a huge smile and embraced him in a tight hug.

"oh my god, you're alive!" he cried out. donghyuck was a bit overwhelmed but patted kun's shoulder. suddenly he got a lump in his throat and he started tearing up. he was not used the amount of platonic love he was receiving from kun right now except from maybe jeno and renjun.

"i missed you." he whispered and felt kun tighten the hug even more. after the two had parted kun brought donghyuck inside. doyoung and johnny were sitting at the table and both their faces lit up onces they spotted donghyuck. they ran up to him and doyoung was first to hug him. however this didn't bother johnny, he just picked up the both of them and spun them around.

"hyuck!!" he shouted happily whilst doyoung was scolding him to let them down. tearing up a little bit he said "i missed you, hyungs."

johnny set them down and donghyuck could see both of his hyungs giving him a warm but curious look. but the two didn't get to ask anything as a new voice was heard.

"hyuckiee!! oh my god, we were so worried!" renjun cried out and also fell into his best friend's arms. donghyuck embraced the smaller male. jeno came up to them as well and both of them. now the noise had gained the attention of more members who all started surrounding donghyuck. that was until taeyong cleared his throat and demanded for everyone except renjun and jeno to leave. he told them he would need a minute with donghyuck alone before they could question him all about what happened. taeyong guided donghyuck into the empty kitchen where he leaned onto a counter.

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