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— chapter seven: of bullet wounds and reunions —

the sweet darkness lit up sometimes. donghyuck registered loud voices and an annoying beeping but all he could see was darkness. he quickly lured back into the darkness.

next time he was conscious, he was laying in a bed in a white room. the light was blinding so he closed his eyes again but was quick to reopen them when he heard a chuckle.

next to him, in another bed, laid johhny. the tall man had bandages around his shoulder but otherwise looked fine. he watched donghyuck amused as the latter tried to sit up but groaned in pain and laid back down.

"how are we doing?" johnny asked, his hazel eyes never leaving donghyuck. it was a bit intimidating.

"i feel like... i'm on drugs?" donghyuck replied. indeed he felt like he was high as his body felt really heavy but very light at the same time. at least the room wasn't spinning.

"what happened?" donghyuck asked, rubbing his temples as his head was hurting.

"what do you remember?" johnny questioned.

"i remember hearing two gun shots and then an extreme pain in my stomach. then everything is black."

"oh, you blacked out early. after you got shot, mark and the other man had a whole battle going on. i went in again to save you and got a bullet through my shoulder." johnny explained.

donghyuck gulped "you went in again to save me? why did you do that? you were risking your life!"

"you're too adorable to be left to die." johnny laughed, but then rubbed his shoulder in pain.

"thank you, you didn't have to do that. we barely know each other." donghyuck mumbled.

"it's kinda my job you know? and we can get to know each other. you aren't as arrogant and shitty as i thought, maybe a bit reckless though." johnny commented.

"thanks i guess." donghyuck replied. johnny chuckled and said "you're welcome."

the older male finally took his eyes off donghyuck and looked to the door where kun and, to donghyuck's joy, yangyang had entered.

"is johnny babbling again?" kun asked. he read donghyuck's face and laughed "i'm sorry, he's like that all the time, right?" he questioned towards johnny. the latter smiled up to the chinese and said "what can i say? i'm talkative."

"sure you are. but it's a good sign! we've taken you off the pain meds but you seem fine. i think you'll be back to normal in a few days." kun informed him. johnny did a little dance of joy which made everyone laugh in the room, including donghyuck. while laughing he felt pain in his lower stomach area so he tried to minimise his movements.

"now, you donghyuck." kun turned to him.

"i have to say you're one lucky boy. a bit lower and the one bullet would've hit your liver. we of course took the bullets out but it'll take a while since you'll be back on your legs. but don't worry, you'll be fine eventually!" kun explained.

"thank you so much!" donghyuck said and bowed as far down as he could without hurting himself. kun chuckled. he pulled donghyuck back up and replied with a small grin tugging at his lips "you're welcome but you should also thank yangyang. he removed one of the bullets and was the one to do your aftercare."

donghyuck's eyes widened and he looked at yangyang who tried to suppress his proudness but failed horribly.

"did you really?" donghyuck asked stunned. yangyang gave him a fake-offended look and asked "of course. why? do you think i'm too stupid to do that?"

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