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— chapter twenty eight: the early morning love  —
[tw: nsfw!]

ever since that day, donghyuck felt like he was on cloud nine. even though he and mark kept their relationship secret, that didn't mean they were holding back. if anything the thrill of having to be lowkey was even more exciting to them.

the two would often sit next to each other at meals and whenever mark got the chance he didn't hesitate to grab donghyuck's thigh under the table, well knowing the effect it had on donghyuck himself.

it was like the two could not keep their hands off each other. they developed a technique called 'it looks like we're practicing fighting but actually we're just making each other horny'. it worked just fine except that the two always had to keep an eye on their surroundings to keep the suspicions as low as possible.

this however changed whenever the two were alone. more often than not they would tease the fuck out of each other, causing both men to constantly having to wear big hoodies to cover up their hickeys.

but funnily enough the two never made it as far as actually having sex. this was due to a lot of factors, the most common ones being tiredness or someone or something disturbing them.

besides the more donghyuck worked, the harder it was to get some free time for him. he worked every day from seven to seven and on thursdays and fridays and occasionally on the weekends as well, he helped mark and jaemin with the dealing on the streets. sometimes he even joined other members on bigger missions because as it turns out, donghyuck was an excellent aimer.

after a while of repeating this process week for week, donghyuck felt stressed and overworked. he asked taeyong if he could have the weekend of any mafia activities and the leader of course granted him permission to do so.

so when friday came around, he told jaemin and mark goodbye before watching the two drive off. since neither of the two had any work besides their mafia activities, both slept a lot during the day. which was why they seemed wide awake now, in opposite to donghyuck. he meanwhile ate dinner with jeno, yangyang, jisung and chenle. when donghyuck asked jeno about renjun, the man told him his boyfriend was busy practicing in the basement.

after dinner donghyuck went straight to bed. even though for once he was not falling asleep next to mark, he was so tired that he didn't even care and fell asleep within just a few minutes.

when he woke up it was due to a door snapping close. he opened his eyes to look around. the moonlight was shining through the blinds and a slight silver lining could be seen at the horizon, announcing the beginning of sunrise. it could not be later than five in the morning.

"sorry, did i wake you up?" mark asked with his deep
voice. donghyuck turned around to look at him and instantly blushed when he saw what mark was wearing or rather not wearing.

he must've been in the shower as his hair was still wet and he was only wearing some sweatpants which were hanging dangerously low on his waist bones. the man had a v-line and the sight of small little water drops falling down from the mark's black hair over his toned stomach made donghyuck drool.

"yeah, but it's fine. i fell asleep early anyways." donghyuck mumbled. he was not really concentrating on his words but rather the man in front of him who seemed to be oblivious to the effect he had on donghyuck and his body.

"fuck, i'm sorry hyuckie." he cursed and sat down on the bed next to donghyuck. "are you okay?" he added worriedly as donghyuck wasn't responding.

"hm? yeah, just you look hot as fuck." the younger said bluntly. his brain wasn't fully awake yet so he was unaware of the suddenness of his words.

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