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— chapter twelve: everything is fine until it's not —

"mark, hi. i thought you were still asleep." donghyuck said, wiping off the film of sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"and i thought you were getting better at boxing. guess we were both wrong." mark shrugged and put on some boxing gloves as well. donghyuck clenched his jaw.

"what are you doing here?" he questioned sassily, acting completely oblivious to mark's diss.

"isn't that obvious? you're not the only one who needs to practice?" mark said, having a 'duh' look on his face. donghyuck chuckled and replied "you just admitted to being bad as well. can't even do that right."

mark gave him a quick glare but ignored donghyuck's comment and started beating the boxing sack next to donghyuck's. the latter scoffed and went back to his own training, trying his best to blend mark's presence out and just concentrate on his moves.

"are you coming with us again today?" mark asked after a while. donghyuck turned to him and immediately regretted his action. mark was standing right in front of him, slightly sweaty and his hair messy. he looked so damn hot right now and donghyuck had to bite his lips to not squeal.

"i guess yes. why are you asking? are you and jaemin growing tired of me?" he questioned.

"i am already tired of you. with jaemin i'm not so sure though, he seems to like you." mark replied with his usual poker face. as hard as donghyuck tried to spot anything, even just a little move of muscle, there was no emotions showing on the man's handsome face.

"really? well i like him too. you see, he is actually nice and funny." donghyuck responded casually. he took off his boxing gloves and avoided looking at mark.

"what is that supposed to mean?" mark snapped, making donghyuck grin. so mark had deciphered the shade in donghyuck's response.

"oh, i don't know. neither would you cause you're neither nice nor funny." he replied, trying to keep a poker face as well. whether he was successful or not, he could not say but what he could say was that mark was enraged. finally he showed some emotions, donghyuck thought.

"you're such a brat." mark scoffed, stopping donghyuck from turning away by tightly grabbing his arm. he locked his eyes with donghyuck's who gulped and growled "listen, you may can pull this shit with others but not with me. i've tolerated your little game and it's been fun to play with you but remember who's actually in charge here."

"oh so we are playing a game? well let me tell you then, you're loosing it." donghyuck snapped and tried to turn his face away from mark after but a hand stopped him. mark had grabbed his jaw and held his face to he couldn't look away anymore.

"you're so annoying and bratty and stupid, i can't with you. you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up." mark said, glaring at donghyuck. since their eyes were locked it felt like he was staring right into donghyuck's soul.

"god, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid." donghyuck replied. he had no idea why these words left his mouth. the one side of his brain was currently breaking out in laughter while the other was screaming in panic.

mark seemed to be a bit taken aback by donghyuck's words as he distanced himself by a few inches. "what did you just say?" he asked lowly causing a shiver to go down donghyuck's spine.

"it's a meme. ugh nevermind, you wouldn't get it." donghyuck replied. he felt stupid right now, knowing that mark had no idea what he was talking about.

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